Noopur Raje
Oncologist @MGHCancerCenter, Professor @harvardmed, Myeloma doc, clinical trialist, researcher, mom and wife who cares about #myeloma and social issues.
ID: 980935198870261760
02-04-2018 22:29:11
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MRD ODAC for #mmsm..”true success story for accelerated approval! 🙏 U.S. FDA Myeloma Society International Myeloma Foundation Multiple Myeloma RF HealthTree Foundation and thanks to our patients,

Congratulations to all the hard work Nikhil C. Munshi, MD Brian Durie, M.D. Bruno Paiva C. Ola Landgren, M.D. Jesus SanMiguel and Ken Anderson for making this possible!

Practical Aspects of Immunotherapy: A Report from the 20th Internation... sciencedirect.com/science/articl… sharing our perspective Myeloma Society Krina Patel Joshua Richter, MD, FACP and others

Great start to our Educational Meeting Myeloma Society wirh Jesus SanMiguel Nikhil C. Munshi, MD Shaji Kumar marivi mateos VaniaHungria in Beunos Aires.. a prelude to IMS21

Isatuximab, carfilzomib, lenalidomide, and dexamethasone in patients w... sciencedirect.com/science/articl… Sharing our experience with a Quad in #mmsm Betsy O'Donnell Andrew Yee, MD Mass General Cancer Center

Have you checked the Main Scientific Topics of #ESHMM2024? Have a look & register now to join us on Oct. 4-6, 2024 in Mandelieu-La Napoule ➡ bit.ly/3WOpbaI 7th Translational Research Conference on #MMsm Chairs: Hartmut Goldschmidt, Martin Kaiser, Suzanne Lentzsch, MD, PhD #ESHCONFERENCES

Paula Rodriguez-Otero Jonathan Kaufman, MD Saad Z. Usmani MD MBA FACP 🇺🇸🇵🇰 Yi Lin Tom Martin Rakesh Popat Ajay Nooka, MD, MPH Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele Surbhi Sidana, MD Ajai Chari Luciano J Costa Kwee Yong Noopur Raje Joseph Mikhael Chng Wee Joo Fredrik Schjesvold Jaime Gallego Perez De Larraya International Myeloma Foundation Here is a link to all prior IMWG guidelines and consensus statements. myeloma.org/imwg-publicati…

If you missed the live stream, don’t forget to check out yesterday’s episode of OncLive News Network: On Location at #ASCO24 with Paolo Tarantino & Noopur Raje with Yan Leyfman, MD! #bcsm #mmsm onclive.com/view/reviewing…

Congratulations VaniaHungria and marivi mateos and all others.. the return of Belamaf for #mmsm. With dose adjustments occular toxicity will become less of an issue… a more user friendly antiBCMA strategy for the community to adopt!

Live from our final #ASCO24 satellite symposium last night! Thank you to those who joined us for the latest in newly diagnosed MM 🩸🔬 Noopur Raje Saad Z. Usmani MD MBA FACP 🇺🇸🇵🇰

Results of recent phase III trials with immunotherapy in myeloma. Sagar Lonial MD Saad Z. Usmani MD MBA FACP 🇺🇸🇵🇰 marivi mateos Thanos Dimopoulos Noopur Raje

Truly a privilege to work Mass General Cancer Center .. our patients are our inspiration driving us to excellence! We will strive to cure cancer! We will work to get rid of #mmsm Mass General Brigham!

Loving the world class docs and world class banter at #MXH Saad Z. Usmani MD MBA FACP 🇺🇸🇵🇰 Tom Martin Noopur Raje Suzanne Lentzsch, MD, PhD #mmsm

Way to go Krina Patel! We are so fortunate to have to have keaders like you!