Noa Berlin
Assistant Clinical Professor of Veterinary Emergency & Critical Care at Tufts university
Resuscitation Researcher
@CRSBIDMC, @TuftsVet
ID: 442028984
https://facultyprofiles.tufts.edu/noa-berlin/about 20-12-2011 17:38:04
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Wow. ⬆️ death & organ dys (45 v 39%!) with high dose vit C in #LOVIT trial out in NEJM today. 😱Tina Chen called it from the beginning! Tracks with higher point est for mortality we saw in #ACTS Mike Donnino, MD Katherine Berg nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…

Late-Breaking Clinical Trials Session at ReSS 2022 is going to be awesome this year with 7 clinical trials! I believe this will be the most late-breaking trials in the history of the conference! Benjamin Abella, MD MPhil Sarah Perman MD MSCE AHA Science BIDMC Emergency Med Matt Wong

Exciting and important work by ILCOR. Proud and humbled to be working with such incredible people. Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC Katherine Berg Mike Donnino, MD

Why come to ReSS#22?! Chance to hang with resuscitation celebrities like Mike Donnino, MD and Twitter celebrities and cardiac survivors like Dr. Glaucomflecken and resus champion Lady Glaucomflecken (she/her)! Mike Donnino, MD Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC Moses-Weiler Internal Medicine Residency Montefiore Critical Care Medicine

Wow. DSED and Vector Change superior to standard defibrillation in refractory shockable rhythm OHCA! No damage to any defibrillators. Big news! nejm.org/doi/full/10.10… Matt Wong the EMCrit Crew 𝙟𝙤𝙨𝙝 𝙛𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙖𝙨 💊 Mike Donnino, MD Ariel Shiloh Luke Andrea Rithvik Balakrishnan #ReSS22

Katherine Berg and Mike Donnino, MD presenting THACA & THICA trials of thiamine in OHCA/IHCA. Stopped early for potential harm—esp in sicker patients. Tremendous effort and as Mike Donnino, MD daughter said ‘isn’t the important thing that you learned something?’ Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC Center for Resus Sci Montefiore Critical Care Medicine

Stellar time at #ReSS22 with Team CRS!! Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC Mike Donnino, MD Shivani Mehta Noa Berlin Ari Moskowitz MD, MPH anne grossestreuer Katherine Berg

I was honoured to present our work at #ReSS22 this weekend! Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC

Amazing translational clinical research at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine 🐕🐈🐴🐄🦅 can improve outcomes for both dogs and people with cancer. bostonglobe.com/2022/12/09/met…

Proud to share some of the recent work we've been doing Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC

Thank you Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC for two incredible years! #T32 #Resuscitation_research

Great work from Center for Resuscitation Science at BIDMC Noa Berlin Rahul Pawar Montefiore-Einstein Pulmonary Medicine Montefiore Critical Care Medicine! Exploring biomarkers of kidney injury after cardiac arrest

In a collaborative pilot study led by our former T32 Fellow, @noaberlin, Thiamine levels were lower in dogs with sepsis vs. healthy controls and non-septic critically-ill dogs, paving the way for exciting translational research in metabolic resuscitation. onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ve…

A new narrative review of clinical trials exploring the utility of the injectable form of Shenfu, a traditional herbal medicine, in heart failure, cardiac arrest, sepsis, and severe pulmonary disease. Noa Berlin Katherine Berg Aditya Shekhar jtd.amegroups.org/article/view/8…