Nicholas Summerfield
ID: 1251196350718513154
17-04-2020 17:10:37
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I was able to visit my new adviser Dr. Carri Glide-Hurst and UW-Madison where I'll be working on my Medical Physics degree. I'm super excited for this opportunity and what the future holds~ On Wisconsin!
Excited to welcome incoming UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics PhD students Yuhao Yan from Duke Medical Physics & Nicholas Summerfield to Carri Glide-Hurst! Keep an eye on these two for big things!! #MedPhys 💫
What a fun meet & greet with the UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics & UW Radiology #MRI group! Welcome welcome to our new grad students—you all are joining a great group of researchers & clinicians! (PS—need to get used to the W instead of 👍 around here! 😂🤣) #MedPhys #RadOnc
Oh hey look at new Carri Glide-Hurst 🌟 all star 🌟 Nicholas Summerfield already publishing first author papers before he gets to UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics grad school!! Excited to see what’s in store!…
Fun to attend a great NCC Chapter American Association of Physicists in Medicine mtg at UW–Madison last week including the Jr Investigator Competition! Congrats to our up & coming #MedPhys stars. Loved seeing our vendors & local clinical/research incl FLASH by @BrianPogue19 & radiomics by Dr. Haidy G. Nasief!
My mentor heart was bursting at the seams tonight when my old & new Carri Glide-Hurst members met up at the American Association of Physicists in Medicine night out! So proud of this crew—making big moves. 🤗 🤗 missing a few (Ryan Glen Price, PhD, DABR Niloufar Zakariaei Xiaoning Liu) but remember—once a Carri Glide-Hurst member, always a member! 💫💫
Congrats to #ELAMP2022 emerging leaders poster winners Afua A. Yorke Ph.D DABR 🇬🇭✈🇺🇸 Jose Guerrero Gonzalez Claire Park and Marien Ochoa! And to local UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics winners Victor Fernandes Nicholas Summerfield and Lisette Merise! Thanks Sheena Chu & Brian Pogue for organizing! #MedPhys
Beautiful night in Madison for the annual UW-Madison Department of Medical Physics picnic! Great turnout of students, staff, faculty, & the very best #MedPhys doggos Monty, Cora, & Oscar! 🐶 💫 #OnWisconsin
Presentations locked & loaded for the local North Central Chapter of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine meeting tomorrow! Sad I can’t make it but we have a few Carri Glide-Hurst members in the YIS who will be keeping me updated on the day! Enjoy the mtg all! 💫 💫