Neal Glaviano
Assistant Professor at the University of Connecticut
ID: 4746080794
08-01-2016 16:28:58
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This morning at #ACSM24: lean from Neal Glaviano about how daily pain and daily #PhysicalActivity levels in individuals with and without #PatellofemoralPain differ? UConn SOAR #EditorialBoard #PhysicalActivity #Pain #PFP

Another fun ISM/UConn SOAR thematic poster session centered around OA with Julie Burland yesterday at American College of Sports Medicine !

Happy to see undergrad work published! Guiding her with my advisor (Neal Glaviano) through my first mentorship has been a joy! Congrats, Cara! UConn SOAR UConn Institute for Sports Medicine

Congratulations to InCHIP’s 2024 Faculty Excellence Award recipients! These awards recognize faculty who have advanced health behavior change research, teaching, and mentoring at UConn s.uconn.edu/24-inchip-exce… UConn CLAS UConn CAHNR @UConnaphs UConn School of Nursing

🚨Save the Date! 🚨 #iPFRR25 will take place in Boston USA on 1-4 October 2025. Mark your calendars 🗓️ Research Retreat 1-3 October (Wed-Fri) Clinical Symposium 4 October (Sat) More information to follow. Thanks to hosts #DavidSelkowitz Joshua Stefanik Neal Glaviano

Nice job Natanael Batista getting this published!!

Now Available! #Pain #SelfEfficacy should be assessed in individuals with #Patellofemoral pain ~ it Timothy Gilgallon @sungwankimatc @nealglaviano doi.org/10.1123/jsr.20… anterior knee pain; #psychosocial; pain self-efficacy; pain catastrophizing

Interested in clinical practice & research to address musculoskeletal injuries in firefighters? We have a fully-funded PhD position in Rehab & Health Sciences in UK SMRI focused on occupational health & safety in Athletic Training. Email [email protected] Public Safety ATs

That’s a wrap on #MHSRS2024! It was so wonderful to connect with the best 🤩 Neal Glaviano L. Colby Mangum Landon Lempke

New tutorial on keeping continuous data continuous from a sport and clinical perspective. Patrick Ward Gary Collins 🇪🇺 Justin Losciale, PT, DPT, CSCS Linda Truong // LT tinyurl.com/bdz59425

✅ Women with unilateral and bilateral PFP displayed less volume of multiple superficial and deep muscles of the bilateral hips and knees compared to pain-free women. 🔓Open access: doi.org/10.4085/1062-6… UConn SOAR UConn Institute for Sports Medicine Journal of Athletic Training

Congratulations L. Colby Mangum and Austin Hogwood, PhD on this prestigious award and the recognition from UVA School of Education and Human Development! education.virginia.edu/news-stories/n…

What does it mean when patients with PFP tell us they are "better" or "worse"? Top work led by Gabriela Vasconcelos in JOSPT Community during her time in DK. Big sample, N=490 patients. Spoiler alert: "a bit better" should make us less confidant about positive changes. jospt.org/doi/10.2519/jo…

This is REALLY good Dave Sherman, PhD, PT, ATC evidenceandpractice.com/blogs/unravell…