ID: 3141352918
calendar_today06-04-2015 18:04:28
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5 hours ago
🔥The 9th Round of Easy Loan, Earn $40 Reward is in progress❗️ ⏰ Promotion Period: January 15th - Feburary 15th, 2025 👉 Register now and check more details at gate.io/campaigns/358
6 years ago
SAWorks Job Shadow Day experience at Goodwill San Antonio! Real world experiences for our NEISD students from Madison High School. #neisdcte
SAWorks Job Shadow Day experience at Whataburger with Madison High School students. #neisdcte #SAJobShadow19
SAWorks Job Shadow Day experience at HEB with LEE High School Culinary students. #neisdcte #SAJobShadow19
SAWorks Summer Internships opportunities open tomorrow for high school students! #neisdcte
Congratulations to our Surita Wyatt Scholarship recipient from Roosevelt High School (ETA) in the amount of $750.00. #neisdcte #theneisdway
Congratulations to our Overall Winner for Surita Wyatt Scholarship from Roosevelt High School (ETA) in the amount of $1,500.00. #neisdcte #theneisdway
Congratulations to the winnner of the Surita Wyatt Scholarship from Johnson High School in the amount of $750.00. #neisdcte #theNEISDway
Congratulations to the Surita Wyatt Scholarship recipient from MacArthur High School. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Congratulations to the Surita Wyatt Scholarship winner at Reagan High School. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Congratulations to the Surita Wyatt Scholarship winner at Churchill High School. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Congratulations to the Surita Wyatt Scholarship winner at ACE. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Congratulations to our Surita Wyatt Scholarship winner from LEE High School (STEM). #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Congrats to the Class of 2019 DATA @ Roosevelt High School #theNEISDWay #neisdcte
SASTEMIC Camp at Bradley Middle School. The lesson for today is all about Robotics. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Video Game Design Summer Camp at The Art Institutes. Today marks the end of a successful camp these last three days. #theNEISDway #NEISDCTE
The Jefferson Bank Investor Challenge Summer Camp at UIW. Another successful camp this week! #theneisdway #neisdcte
Healthcare Professions Summer Camp! Great day to explore these different types of careers. #theNEISDway #neisdcte
Leadership in Law Camp at St. Mary's University. Another camp with Career & Technical students. #theNEISDway #NEISDCTE