New European Bauhaus' Friendship Group
#NEBFG @europarl_EN 🇪🇺 Profile of the group of friends of the #NewEuropeanBauhaus in the European Parliament with MEPs from all the groups.
ID: 1362699650000683012
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8svLtLQhoXy9n01tJUk0fA 19-02-2021 09:45:03
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Very happy to welcome 3 new members in our #NewEuropeanBauhaus community: Pritzker Prize winner #FrancisKere , climate activist Nakabuye Hilda F. & sound artist Emeka Ogboh.They will inpire NEB further & reinforce the global & cultural dimensions. More here: new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/about/about-in…

Save the date! A Swedish approach to #Sustainable Rebuilding of #Ukraine Hybrid seminar on 1 June Info: arkitekt.se/evenemang/a-sw… Sveriges Arkitekter

Proud to be the Manager of the proposed #NewEuropeanBauhaus Mission! It will be a powerful tool, with people at its 💚 for transforming our living spaces, making them not only sustainable but also accessible, affordable and beautiful! 🏠🌳 EU_ScienceHub

Gran noticia para la #NuevaBauhausEuropea! La European Commission presenta la misión Horizonte Europa que demandamos en el informe del Parlamento. Un impulso para el desarrollo de la #NEB que hará nuestras ciudades más sostenibles, habitables e inclusivas 🌱🇪🇺

Great news for the #NewEuropeanBauhaus! Yesterday the European Commission presented the specific Horizon Europe🇪🇺 NEB mission demanded in the European Parliament report🇪🇺 A great boost to continue the development of the #NEB through research and innovation 🌱 Info ⬇️ ec.europa.eu/commission/pre…

Join us for the conference "Music@NEB: Sounding out Opportunities for #Music in the New European #Bauhaus" 🗓️ Wed 21/02 🕒 15:00-18:00 📍 European Parliament #MusicNEB organized by our Cultural Creators Friendship Group 🇪🇺 with European Music Council & New European Bauhaus' Friendship Group. ✏️ Registration by 12/02: emc-imc.org/events/musicne…