The official scientific journal of @SCAI.
EIC: Alexandra Lansky, MD, FSCAI
ID: 935896996346580994
https://www.jscai.org/ 29-11-2017 15:43:26
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🔖#JSCAI Case Report: Paravalvular Leak Closure after Self-Expanding Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Using a Steerable Sheath💡 #TAVR #ParavalvularLeak Read more: ➡️doi.org/10.1016/j.jsca… Christiane Haeffele

📖#IHD in women is often underdiagnosed. This critical review offers a comprehensive algorithm for evaluating & managing suspected #IschemicHeartDisease in women, starting w a pretest probability assessment for #ASCVD. ➡️doi.org/10.1016/j.jsca… samitshahmd Erica Spatz

📣 How is #AI used in #IC? How will future advancements transform the field? ⏰ Submit your research to #JSCAI by Sept 9, 2024! Learn more about the Special Issue & submit today: ➡️ bit.ly/AISpecialIssue Special Issue Guest Editors: Yiannis Chatzizisis & Elazer Edelman, MD, PhD

📚Coronary Physiology to Guide #PercutaneousCoronaryIntervention: discover how #coronary #physiology tools, whether guide wire or image-based, can enhance procedural planning, #PCI precision, & optimization💡 ➡️doi.org/10.1016/j.jsca… William Fearon @ricardopetraco Javier Escaned

📢#PADAwarenessMonth in #JSCAI 📖Management of #PeripheralArterialDisease: Lifestyle Modifications and Medical Therapies ➡️doi.org/10.1016/j.jsca… Marc Bonaca MD MPH Mario Enrico Canonico Sahil A. Parikh, MD Eric Secemsky MD MSc