Mr. David Coonan
Theatre and English teacher at Howard T. Herber Middle School. Director of MS and HS musicals. Malverne HS class of '99.
ID: 905106225066639360
05-09-2017 16:31:54
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Mr. Coonan and I say goodbye to the current version of the HTH Auditorium and look forward to the newly renovated version opening in the Fall!#excellenceonpurpose #gomules HTH Middle School Malverne UFSD Lorna R. Lewis Mr. David Coonan HTH PTA

HTH Theater Camp is a wrap! 4 days, 12 hours, 1 fully produced play. Student led, 100% HTH Middle School Malverne UFSD

From Theo, Pippin, and Catherine to Donkey, Shrek, and Fiona. 2 weeks until these legends and 20 other Malverne superstars hit our outdoor stage. It’s free! Seriously! Malverne UFSD Michael Messina

A little sneak peek of our Shrek. Hitting the stage outside next Friday, August 16, at 8 PM. Free admission! Bring a chair or a blanket! Malverne UFSD Michael Messina

TONIGHT!!! Shrek! On the field. 8pm start Bring a blanket or a lawn chair Literally an all star cast Malverne UFSD Michael Messina Lorna R. Lewis MHS

Thank you everyone! What an amazing night! I hope you enjoyed #SHREK Malverne UFSD Michael Messina Lorna R. Lewis

Congrats to the cast & crew of Shrek the Musical who staged a phenomenally funny & unforgettable evening of theater on Friday! & thanks to the 1000s of friends who joined us! See photos here: facebook.com/share/p/JEyCmX… #GreatnessUnleashed Mr. David Coonan Michael Messina Lorna R. Lewis