Andrea Morse
Democratic Candidate for New York's 11th Congressional District | Honest. Hardworking. Fearless.
ID: 1807119632647819264 29-06-2024 18:31:32
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Thank you to Staten Island Democrats Chair LauraSword for providing a great introduction at tonight’s fundraiser! I am forever humbled by your support
Loomer is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but Nicole Malliotakis refuses to denounce her. Particularly disgraceful for a district that lost so many people in that tragedy. #NY11
Alliance of South Asian American Labor (ASAAL) Staten Island chapter campaigning for Congressional candidate @Andrea Morse- CD 11, Senator Jessica Scarcella-Spanton -SD23 & Assemblyman Charles D. Fall -AD61. We will continue our fight until we win.
🚨ENDORSEMENT ALERT🚨 SENATE Kirsten Gillibrand NY HOUSE Yassamin Ansari AZ-03 Missi Hesketh for MO 7th MO-07 Sue Altman NJ-07 Laura Gillen NY-04 Nydia M Velázquez NY-07 Andrea Morse NY-11 Andrea Salinas OR-06 Lore Bergman for US Congress TN-06 Dr. Kristin For Wisconsin WI-08 #WomenLead