Mormino Lab
@Stanford_Neuro and @StanfordADRC. Investigating aging and neurodegenerative disease in preclinical populations using fMRI, MRI + PET. 🧠
ID: 1482136511428501506
https://med.stanford.edu/mormino-lab.html 14-01-2022 23:44:23
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Getting excited for #AAIC'24? Don't miss this years' AIC plenaries by dr. Julie Ottoy and dr. Beth Mormino 🙌📢 Julie Ottoy Mormino Lab EndAlz 🗒️AIC Saturday July 27 08.00-17.00 📍Philadelphia, USA

TOMORROW! The pre-conference we have all been waiting for... AIC! We are super excited to listen to two outstanding talks by Beth and Joe Winer + Hillary Vossler's poster presentation #AAIC24 #AIC24 Neuroimaging PIA ISTAART

An ⭐️excellent⭐️ plenary from Beth Mormino to kick off a week of great science at #AIC 🧠and #AAIC24 💜Neuroimaging PIA Alzheimer's Association

👏🏻Bravo👏🏻 to Joe Winer for a tremendous presentation to close out the “Neuroimaging Correlates of Risk and Protective Factors” Scientific Session at #AIC #AAIC24 Neuroimaging PIA Alzheimer's Association

Check out the #MorminoLab posters tomorrow at #AAIC24, with work from Kathleen L Poston🩸, Claire Delpirou🧬, and Joe Winer😴 Alzheimer's Association Stanford Neurology & Neurological Sciences

Day 2 of #AAIC24 means more #MorminoLab posters to view! Joe Winer, Hillary Vossler, Claire Delpirou, and Irina Skylar-Scott would love to discuss their work with you 💜

The last two days 😢 of #MorminoLab presentations at #AAIC24. This is your last chance to check out the fantastic work of Karly Cody, Joe Winer, and Carla Abdelnour! Alzheimer's Association

Congrats to Alena Smith for her successful poster presentation on the performance of ptau181 and ptau217 to identify AD co-pathology in LBD 🩸👏🏻#AAIC2024 #LBDPIA Alzheimer's Association Lewy Body Dementias PIA Kathleen L Poston

An interesting 🤔 pathology case presented by Claire Delpirou at #AAIC24 Alzheimer's Association

Amyloid burden 🧠 in LBD presented by Hillary Vossler at #AAIC24 Lewy Body Dementias PIA Alzheimer's Association

Carla Abdelnour provides a perspective into Lewy body dementia through the Alzheimer's realm #AAIC24

#MorminoLab #AAIC24 highlight: Karly Cody, PhD presenting her work on sex and amyloid modifying tau spatial progression 🧠 Betthauser Lab