Mikko Heiskala (@mikkoheiskala) 's Twitter Profile
Mikko Heiskala


Researching & teaching digital platforms, platform economy, servitization, mass customization and their intersection(s).

ID: 174587896

linkhttp://about.me/mikkoheiskala calendar_today04-08-2010 08:47:19

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1,1K Following

Paavo Ritala (@paavoritala) 's Twitter Profile Photo

New open access book on Business Model Innovation! Contributions from authors such as Christopher Tucci, nancy bocken, Nicolai Foss & many more! OA link: link.springer.com/book/10.1007/9… The book includes also my chapter w/Marin Jovanovic on B2B platform business models: link.springer.com/chapter/10.100…

New open access book on Business Model Innovation!

Contributions from authors such as <a href="/cltucci/">Christopher Tucci</a>, <a href="/NancyBocken/">nancy bocken</a>, <a href="/NicolaiFoss/">Nicolai Foss</a> &amp; many more!

OA link: link.springer.com/book/10.1007/9…

The book includes also my chapter w/<a href="/marinjovanovic/">Marin Jovanovic</a> on B2B platform business models: link.springer.com/chapter/10.100…
Clean Hydrogen Partnership (@cleanhydrogeneu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢 Check out the use cases of our project BalticSeaH2! More than 1️⃣0️⃣ cases to be announced within the project, among other in the fields of #hydrogenproduction, storage and use cases to demonstrate #hydrogeneconomy in practice throughout the value chain. tinyurl.com/5n8wwbww

Spencer Greenberg 🔍 (@spencrgreenberg) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Does astrology work? We tested the ability of 152 astrologers to see if they could demonstrate genuine astrological skill. Here is how the study was designed and what we found (including a result that really surprised me): 🧵

Does astrology work? We tested the ability of 152 astrologers to see if they could demonstrate genuine astrological skill.

Here is how the study was designed and what we found (including a result that really surprised me):

Giambattista Dagnino (@giambadagnino) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Save the Date for the SMS Strategic Management Society Special Conference, Palermo, Italy, May 21-23 2025 Title: The Strategic Role of Business in Addressing Unsolved Grand Challenges: Firms, Platforms and Ecosystems. Date: May 21–23, 2025 Location: Palermo, Italy, LUMSA

Denis Danilov (@denisdanilovl) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That's right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk

Elon Musk has complied after all and provided a list of X Holding Corp shareholders who helped the billionaire buy Twitter. And who do you think turned out to be the investors of the X platform? That's right, Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich. Now it is absolutely obvious where Musk
Robert Somogyi (@robertsomogyi1) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am super happy that my article "Deceptive features on platforms" with Johannes Johnen was accepted in The Economic Journal The Economic Journal and is available (open access) in the August issue.

I am super happy that my article "Deceptive features on platforms" with Johannes Johnen was accepted in The Economic Journal <a href="/EJ_RES/">The Economic Journal</a>  and is available (open access) in the August issue.
Roger McNamee (@moonalice) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Below is a site for those who want to understand US v Google 2. This case could change everything in tech. Hat tip to Jason Kint. usvgoogleads.com

Christian Peukert (@cpeukert) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Web browsers are the biggest market you never thought about. In a new paper (with Jérémie Haese), we study what happened in the open source community when Microsoft moved to Chromium as the core technology for their web browser Edge.

Web browsers are the biggest market you never thought about. In a new paper (with <a href="/j_haese/">Jérémie Haese</a>), we study what happened in the open source community when Microsoft moved to Chromium as the core technology for their web browser Edge.
JanBosch (@janbosch) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Digitalization requires a continuous customer relationship, value delivery and monetization. Systems engineering needs to focus on optimizing total lifetime value, maximizing the amount of functionality that can be updated post-deployment. janbosch.com/blog/index.php…

Digitalization requires a continuous customer relationship, value delivery and monetization. Systems engineering needs to focus on optimizing total lifetime value, maximizing the amount of functionality that can be updated post-deployment. 

Erik Brynjolfsson (@erikbryn) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I’ve been using Google‘s new AI assistant called notebookLM. I am blown away. I can upload research papers and then have a conversation, asking for key points, limitations, extensions, etc. This will significantly change the way I do research. notebooklm.google

BalticSeaH2 (@balticseah2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

September Newsletter is out! 🌊 In this newsletter: 🔹Hydrogen Safety: Myths, Reality, and Future Prospects 🔹Nomination of BalticSeaH2 External Advisory Board Check out the full newsletter here: mailchi.mp/balticseah2val… Not a subscriber yet? Sign up: balticseah2valley.eu/publications/n…

BalticSeaH2 (@balticseah2) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is hydrogen really as dangerous as some think?🔍 We bust myths and explore the safety measures, real-world examples, and technological advancements that make hydrogen a safe and promising fuel for the future. Read the full article here: balticseah2valley.eu/hydrogen-safet…

Vili Lehdonvirta (@vilile) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨I'm hiring!🚨 Join me in my new ERC-funded research project on the geopolitics of cloud computing, and get to live in the happiest country on Earth :) Now hiring a postdoc with computational data collection skills: diesl.eu/open-position-… #GEOCLOUD #DIESL

Vili Lehdonvirta (@vilile) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨 Hiring a new postdoc! 🚨 I'm looking for someone with quantitative analysis skills to join me in the ERC-funded project GEOCLOUD: The Geopolitics of Cloud Computing. Hot topic, cool data, excellent career development opportunities! Apply by 9 Jan diesl.eu/open-position-…

🚨 Hiring a new postdoc! 🚨 I'm looking for someone with quantitative analysis skills to join me in the ERC-funded project GEOCLOUD: The Geopolitics of Cloud Computing. Hot topic, cool data, excellent career development opportunities! Apply by 9 Jan diesl.eu/open-position-…
Pia Hautamäki 🌸 (@piahautamaki) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Want to do a PhD in B2B Sales? 🌟 This is the best opportunity you can ever have. Apply! 👇 ⁦LUT University 🚀⁩ #businesschool #lutbiz ⁦Paavo Ritala⁩ ⁦Marin Jovanovic⁩ linkedin.com/posts/piahauta…

Paavo Ritala (@paavoritala) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I was featured in the "Talking about platforms" podcast, and interviewed by Daniel Trabucchi, Tommaso Buganza! Listen to the episode if you want to hear my take on ▶️network effects ▶️platform complementarities ▶️future research areas in the topic open.spotify.com/show/2j6OWUJYb…

Paavo Ritala (@paavoritala) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Papers mentioned in the podcast: Positive, Negative, and Amplified Network Externalities in Platform Markets (published in AMP) journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.546… Vertical and horizontal complementarities in platform ecosystems (Published in IOM) tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.10…