Michaël Aklin (@michaelaklin) 's Twitter Profile
Michaël Aklin


Prof at EPFL @epflcdm @epfl_en |
Policy & Sustainability Lab (PASU) |
Managing Director at E4S @E4S_Center

ID: 1283755304

linkhttps://pasu.epfl.ch calendar_today20-03-2013 16:54:03

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707 Following

Mark Buntaine (@markbuntaine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Countries routinely make pledges to address climate change that are conditional on reciprocity from other countries. We show this strategy does not expand the scope for cooperation among the public. Most people are unmoved by conditional offers or worse, in almost all countries.

QingChang (@qingchang19) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thrilled to see our paper on Generalized Kernel Regularized Least Squares, co-authored with Max Goplerud, has officially been released in Political Analysis! 🚀📚 Paper: doi.org/10.1017/pan.20… Package: cran.r-project.org/package=gKRLS Website: <Coming soon!>

Pitt Poli Sci (@pittpolsci) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Qing Chang (QingChang) studies Comparative Politics, Political Economy, China, and Methods. Dissertation Title: Political Consequences of Growth-Enhancing Institutions: Evidence from the Housing Market in China Chair: Michael Aklin Web: qingcchang.com

Qing Chang (<a href="/QingChang19/">QingChang</a>) studies Comparative Politics, Political Economy, China, and Methods.

Dissertation Title: Political Consequences of Growth-Enhancing Institutions: Evidence from the Housing Market in China
Chair: Michael Aklin
Web: qingcchang.com
Valentina González Rostani (@gonzalezrostani) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I'm currently on the market! You can find links to my work and market materials at gonzalez-rostani.com. Don't miss the 🧵 to discover my outstanding colleagues from Pitt Poli Sci who are also seeking opportunities in the field. #poliSciJobs #PSJMinfo #polisci

Nature Communications (@naturecomms) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Mr. Frank, Junghyun Lim, and Michaël Aklin explore the absorption of current US fossil fuel workers in emerging green jobs considering skills and location. They find location to be a barrier in a #JustTransition for these workers University of Pittsburgh, UNC-Chapel Hill, EPFL nature.com/articles/s4146…

Michaël Aklin (@michaelaklin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Will US fossil fuel workers be able to tap into emerging green jobs? In a new Nature Communications paper, Morgan Frank, Junghyun Lim, and I show that geography and low mobility create serious hurdles for such job transitions. Check Morgan's thread for details! EPFL CDM Enterprise for Society Center

Bob West (@cervisiarius) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Our new Scientific Reports paper documents drastic shift towards more negative US political tone beginning w/ Trump’s 2016 primary campaign. Trump was main, but not only, driver of effect. Paper: nature.com/articles/s4159… News: actu.epfl.ch/news/a-new-epf… Data: quotebank.dlab.tools

Enterprise for Society Center (@e4s_center) 's Twitter Profile Photo

"Marketing is the child of globalization, and it will be the parent of sustainability." Quite a strong statement from our latest guest, Frédéric Dalsace. But what if it were true?

Diane Bolet (@dianebolet) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Is it possible to phase out coal and still win an election? Yes! Excited that my paper w Fergus Green & Mikel González-Eguino on the electoral success of #JustTransition policies in coalmining communities is now available #OpenAccess in American Political Science Review doi.org/10.1017/S00030…

Michaël Aklin (@michaelaklin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Deadline coming up tomorrow! Well, the first deadline of two -- folks can also apply for the second deadline (April 15) if it's too tight.

Michaël Aklin (@michaelaklin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

My lab is recruiting! Two positions: 1 postdoc (1-2yr) (flex date) recruiting.epfl.ch/Vacancies/3221… 1 PhD student (4yr) (Sep '24) epfl.ch/about/working/… Ideal for folks interested in sustainability policy/econ and who have strong tech skills (causal, computational, etc.).

Michaël Aklin (@michaelaklin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Interested in obstacles to fossil fuel phaseouts? I wrote a note VoxEU on labor market problems faced by fossil fuel workers. Labor market frictions make it hard to provide new jobs. Place-based policies can mitigate the problem, but the risk of political failure is high.

Morgan Frank (@mrfrank5790) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨New paper in Nature Cities🚨 Want more career mobility and access city jobs? The usual advice is to specialize in white collar skills. But our analysis of millions of worker resumes shows that the benefits of skill specialization are relative to your city nature.com/articles/s4428…

🚨New paper in <a href="/NatCities/">Nature Cities</a>🚨 Want more career mobility and access city jobs? The usual advice is to specialize in white collar skills. But our analysis of millions of worker resumes shows that the benefits of skill specialization are relative to your city nature.com/articles/s4428…
VoxEU (@voxeu) 's Twitter Profile Photo

.Michaël Aklin EPFL CDM identifies labour market challenges—skills & geography—that could hinder the US transition from fossil to green jobs, highlighting the feasibility of the transition if green jobs are created close to areas with fossil fuel workers. ow.ly/XMso50Qnmkx

.<a href="/MichaelAklin/">Michaël Aklin</a> <a href="/epflcdm/">EPFL CDM</a> identifies labour market challenges—skills &amp; geography—that could hinder the US transition from fossil to green jobs, highlighting the feasibility of the transition if green jobs are created close to areas with fossil fuel workers.
Enterprise for Society Center (@e4s_center) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Why did Tesla, a pioneer in electric vehicles, get dropped from the S&P 500's top ESG list, while Exxon, known for its oil operations, climbed up? We explore this question and many others in our new podcast episode ‘Is ESG Woke ?’ with Julia Binder, Professor at IMD

Stockholm Institute of Transition Economics (SITE) (@sitestockholm) 's Twitter Profile Photo

📢CALL FOR PAPERS | SITE and FREE NETWORK invites paper submissions to a one-day workshop session on the 'Political Economy of Environmental Policy' with a keynote lecture by Prof. Michaël Aklin from EPFL on April 19, 2024. 📮Submit your paper: hhs.se/en/about-us/ne…

📢CALL FOR PAPERS | SITE and <a href="/FREEnetworkorg/">FREE NETWORK</a>
invites paper submissions to a one-day workshop session on the 'Political Economy of Environmental Policy' with a keynote lecture by Prof. <a href="/MichaelAklin/">Michaël Aklin</a>  from <a href="/EPFL_en/">EPFL</a> on April 19, 2024. 📮Submit your paper: hhs.se/en/about-us/ne…
Matto Mildenberger (@mmildenberger) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The 2035 Initiative at UCSB is a "think and do tank" aimed at confronting the climate crisis. We are hiring a Deputy Director to work closely with 2035 faculty on a wide range of policy, research, and management activities across the Initiative. 1/3 recruit.ap.ucsb.edu/JPF02750