MiVida M. Parham (She/Her)
Coordinator of Baltimore County Public Schools College, Career and Technical Education Programs
ID: 243175086
26-01-2011 13:33:14
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Kudos Alicia Fales (she/her) and Mike Barberesi! A wonderfully engaging PD for BCPS CTE Office #Career Navigators and Work-Based Learning staff. Day 2 was an in depth intro to Baltimore County #Workforce #Development incl. info from Towson University’s Dr. Irani, #DEWD staff and CCBC’s ECAP opportunities.
Our BCPS CTE Office students continue to shine and hone their skills in the summer! Kudos Fariza and WesternTech Academy of #HealthProfessions. #CTEWorks #BCPSSummerStories
Congrats Tasnim, Sollers Point Tech Project Lead The Way #Biomedical Science student! She participated in a NIH summer program and won the Excellence Award for the HS division. Kudos Mr. D’Antonio team for supporting our students and their efforts. BCPS CTE Office #BCPSSummerStories #CTEWorks
Kicking off a successful P-TECH at Dundalk HS cohort 7 with parents and students. BCPS CTE Office MiVida M. Parham (She/Her)
Congratulations MrsAkersTechEd on your appointment as BCPS CTE Office Supervisor! #BCPSCTE
Two wonderful days of engaging with our newest Baltimore County Public Schools teachers! BCPS CTE Office welcomes new #Business, #Engineering, #Culinary, Food Management, #Nursing, JROTC, #Plumbing, Interactive Media and #Career Research teachers. #TEAMBCPS #BCPSNEO Robin Bowden Alicia Fales (she/her)
Happy Retirement to our BCPS CTE Office resource teacher, Valerie Brennan! We will miss your historical knowledge and project management but we know you’ll always be a partner of the work. THANK YOU VAL!
Welcome to BCPS CTE Office at Baltimore County Public Schools Fest! Come out to Carver Center today until 1pm to learn about all the opportunities available with #TeamBCPS! #Back2BCPS
Ever control a robot? BCPS CTE Office has a program for that! #Back2BCPS #TeamBCPS #BCPSFest
We are excited to start the new school year with our new and returning future tradespeople!! Please come check out our programs during our Open House on September 12! BCPS CTE Office Kenwood High School KenwoodHSBluebirds KenwoodCTE
We’re Here For It in BCPS CTE Office! Head for success! #SuccessAfterBCPS #BCPSHereForIt
A great way to start the day! The smiles and warm welcome at Loch Raven HS and a visit with Project Lead The Way #Biomedical Science teachers about the plans of the upcoming school year as they enter the 5th year at Loch Raven High.
We are #BCPSHereForIt in BCPS CTE Office as we provide programs and opportunities for students to “step” toward #SuccessAfterBCPS. Happy Friday!