Meg Filbin
RNA biochemist and professor in the Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry @msudenver.
ID: 1338923825392615424 15-12-2020 19:09:48
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Hey MSU Denver and MSU Denver Women in STEM students - check out this awesome opportunity!!
🧪🎨 Hey all you MSU Denver students - take a look at this amazing fellowship opportunity with a great group of scientists and artists!! Please apply and spread the word! 🤩
Hey all you #PUIfaculty and undergrad #RNA researchers! Join us tomorrow! Colorado RNA Club, RNA Bioscience Initiative | CU Anschutz, Dr. Suzanne R Lee, Dr. Katie Berry, Katie Mouzakis, Nikos Tsotakos, Dr. Allison M Porman Swain, RNA Club Warsaw, Tri-I RNA Club
🔥 So excited and PROUD that my research student Julie Lee (MSU Denver class of 2023) got into the National Cancer Institute's 2023-2024 Introduction to Cancer Research Careers Program!! 🤩 #mentoring #research #studentsuccess NIH National Cancer Institute
Amazing #RNA research opportunity for current seniors and recent graduates! MSU Denver, MSU Denver Women in STEM, RNA Bioscience Initiative | CU Anschutz, Katie Mouzakis, Dr. Katie Berry, Dr. Suzanne R Lee, Nikos Tsotakos, @Noncodarnia, Aaron Johnson, Dr. Allison M Porman Swain, Yumeng Hao, Quentin Vicens, Bou-Nader lab - please help spread the word!
👩🎓Interested in applying to graduate programs in Colorado? Please attend the annual Undergrad Day hosted by the Colorado RNA Club on 10/10 from 2:00-3:30 PM MST! RNA PUI, MSU Denver, RNA Bioscience Initiative | CU Anschutz, The RNA Society, Jr RNA Scientists, CU Boulder 🦬, Colorado State Rams 🐏, DU Pioneers, UCCS CSU Pueblo
🤩 Please join us tomorrow, 11/03, for a special #Undergrad The RNA Society and Lexogen RNA Salon! #RNA researchers Shu Yi from Dawn lab at Swathmore College and John Omiya from Sarah Mitchell's lab Loyola Marymount University will present at 9:30 AM Pacific.
Special thanks to the Toronto RNA for the invitation to share our undergraduate #RNA research yesterday. Great questions and ideas - and hopefully collaborations! Shoutout to my former student Liheng for presenting her work as well as her peers' results. 😎
I'm a little late posting this, but wanted to share this beautiful work by Marisa D Ruehle and colleagues who used IF, expansion microscopy and cryoET to show the location and stabilizing role of Poc1 in basal bodies. 👏…
Headed to Discover BMB in San Antonio? Come check out our RNA & Gene Regulation Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions Interest Group in Saturday morning! ASBMB, RNA PUI, Nikos Tsotakos, Katie Mouzakis, Dr. Angie Hilliker, Corina Maeder…
Grateful for the ASBMB IMAGE group and connecting at the #DiscoverBMB 2024 meeting in San Antonio: José Arcadio Rodríguez-Martínez @DJCbiochemNOLA DJ C Dr. Kayunta Johnson-Winters and Don Elmore! 😎🔥
Congratulations to all awardees, particularly our fellow RNA@PUI member, #RNA and #PUI researcher, Colorado College faculty, Neena Grover!!