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Kelly McMasters, MD, PhD


Ben A. Reid, Sr., MD Professor and Chair, University of Louisville Dept. Surgery. Editor-in-Chief, Annals of Surgical Oncology

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#AudioVisualAbstract : #NeoadjuvantChemotherapy Improves #OncologicalOutcomes and Long-Term Survival Among Elderly Patients with Locally Advanced #GastricCancer : A Propensity Score Matched Analysis Yutaka Endo 遠藤泰 Timothy M. Pawlik Prakash Pandalai MD FACS Syed A. Ahmad

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August Issue: Dual-Region #ComputedTomography Radiomics-Based #MachineLearning Predicts Subcarinal #LymphNodeMetastasis in Patients with Non-small Cell #LungCancer Andrew M. Fleming, MD Syed A. Ahmad

August Issue: Dual-Region #ComputedTomography Radiomics-Based #MachineLearning Predicts Subcarinal #LymphNodeMetastasis in Patients with Non-small Cell #LungCancer

<a href="/AndrewFlemingMD/">Andrew M. Fleming, MD</a>
<a href="/SyedAAhmad5/">Syed A. Ahmad</a>
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#AudioVisualAbstract : Nationwide Analysis of #Locoregional Management for Ductal #Carcinoma In Situ in Males: An NCDB Analysis of the Surgical Approach to DCIS in Males Jaime D. Lewis Jenna Whitrock Michelle Barrord MD Chantal Reyna Alicia Heelan Syed A. Ahmad

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September Issue: A Nomogram Including #Sarcopenia for Predicting Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Localized Papillary #RenalCellCarcinoma : A Retrospective Cohort Study Syed A. Ahmad

September Issue: A Nomogram Including #Sarcopenia for Predicting Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Localized Papillary #RenalCellCarcinoma : A Retrospective Cohort Study

<a href="/SyedAAhmad5/">Syed A. Ahmad</a>
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The cancer center’s Ryan J. Ellis (Ryan Ellis), MD, was among the researchers to publish a new article in AnnalsSurgOncology. Learn more: #ResearchCuresCancer #NCIcomprehensive

The cancer center’s Ryan J. Ellis (<a href="/RyanEllisMD/">Ryan Ellis</a>), MD, was among the researchers to publish a new article in <a href="/AnnSurgOncol/">AnnalsSurgOncology</a>. Learn more: #ResearchCuresCancer #NCIcomprehensive
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#AudioVisualAbstract : Robotic Versus Thoracoscopic Sub-lobar Resection for Octogenarians with Clinical Stage IA Non-small Cell #LungCancer : A Propensity Score-Matched Real-World Study Zaid Abdelsattar, MD, MS, FACS Syed A. Ahmad

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September Issue: Factors Associated with and Impact of Open Conversion in #Laparoscopic and Robotic Minor #LiverResections : An International Multicenter Study of 10,541 Patients Syed A. Ahmad

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#AudioVisualAbstract : Decoding the Conundrum: Navigating Intra-operatively Encountered Suspicious #Gallbladder Wall Thickening with Laparoscopic #Transhepatic Needle Decompression and Beyond Cystic Plate #Cholecystectomy Amir M Parray Syed A. Ahmad

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Are you curious what others would do? Join #ASOchat  on Tuesday, September 10th from 6:30 PM ET to discuss management of resectable hepatocellular carcinoma. @Csabagajdos01 Camille Stewart, MD Ching-Wei D. Tzeng Mike Wach MD Syed A. Ahmad

Are you curious what others would do? Join #ASOchat  on Tuesday, September 10th from 6:30 PM ET to discuss management of resectable hepatocellular carcinoma. @Csabagajdos01 <a href="/CamilleLStewart/">Camille Stewart, MD</a> <a href="/CDTzeng/">Ching-Wei D. Tzeng</a> <a href="/MikeWach_MD/">Mike Wach MD</a> <a href="/SyedAAhmad5/">Syed A. Ahmad</a>
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#AudioVisualAbstract : Dynamic Analysis of the Impact of #Micropapillary Component on Different Recurrence Patterns of Pathological Stage IA3 #LungAdenocarcinoma : A Multicenter, Retrospective Study Andrew M. Fleming, MD Syed A. Ahmad