Mayya Komisarchik
Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Rochester. I study race and political methodology but I tweet about food and cats.
ID: 886351847073738752 15-07-2017 22:28:42
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We're hiring a TT assistant professor of computational social science (joint btw data science and either polisci, econ, or linguistics) University of Rochester! Come work with us! I'm on the committee and happy to answer questions. We begin reviewing applications 9/15:…
We are searching for a tenure-track professor in computational social science. If you have any questions Mayya Komisarchik and Curt Signorino are the political scientists to reach out to.
A thread listing our great grad students who're on the job market from Political Science University of Rochester:
Slides for my Friday talk at the Harvard Experimental Working Group on "Correcting Measurement Error Bias in Conjoint Survey Experiments"… based on w/ Katie Clayton, Yusaku Horiuchi, Aaron R Kaufman, Mayya Komisarchik
.Rochester Political Science is searching for a TT assistant professor in REP! Come work with an excellent group of colleagues! Description + application linked below. Reach out if you have questions. #psjminfo #poliscijobs womenalsoknowstuff POCAlsoKnowStuff