Mase Scott
6’0(175 lbs) |’24 WR |@SFRamsFB 1st Team All PAC | [email protected] | 100m: 10.85 200m: 21.56/ hudl.com/v/2MYMj3
ID: 1276284721761325057
https://www.youtube.com/@masescott2024 25-06-2020 22:42:54
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Seven from PAC selected to 2023 Pa. Football Writers' All-State teams Selected are Tj Boccella, Braden Reed, Boyd Skarbek, Kevin Heywood of panthers sports pride network (4A); Daniel Aselton of Phoenixville High School Football (5A); the Spring-Ford Football duo Matt Zollers & Mase Scott (6A) pottsmerc.com/2023/12/29/sev…

After a great conversation with Brian Lindgren I’m excited to have received an offer from Michigan State University!! Michigan State Football Spring-Ford Football Tim Taggart

After a great visit and conversation with Mike Barainyak, MBA. I’m grateful to announce that I’ve received an offer to continue my academic and athletic career at Widener University! Spring-Ford Football

After a great visit and sit down with Billy Crocker I’m grateful to announce I’ve received an offer from Eastern University! Spring-Ford Football

After a great conversation with Liam Coen I’m excited to have received an offer from the University of Kentucky!! Kentucky Football Spring-Ford Football Tim Taggart

After a great conversation with Steve Shimko I’m excited to have received an offer from Boston College University!! Boston College Football Spring-Ford Football Tim Taggart

After a great conversation with Coach Mike Bobo I’m excited to have received an offer from the University of Georgia!! Georgia Football Spring-Ford Football Tim Taggart

After a great visit this past weekend and conversation with JC Morgan. I am grateful to announce I have received an offer from VilleFootball!!! Jeff Tomasetti Dan Beard Matt Sutjak Spring-Ford Football

After a great conversation with Mark Maciejewski I have received an offer from Shippensburg Football. Scott Brisson Michael Burket Ty Cobb Spring-Ford Football

After a great conversation with Luke Smith I am excited to have received an offer from University of Duquesne!! Duquesne Football Spring-Ford Football

District 1 Statistical Leaders: 2023 Offense pafootballnews.com/pfn/district-1… Mase Scott Matt Zollers Kendell Cottrell David Bertoline Quinn Henicle Jalen Harris Luke Terlesky Anthony Leonardi @raymond_holman7 Ayden Harris Boyd Skarbek Braden Reed Danny Dyches Dean Hangey

After a great conversation with Mick Yokitis I am excited to have received an offer from Naval Academy! Navy Football Spring-Ford Football

Big thanks to Ithaca and their coaching staff yesterday for the spring practice visit!! Mike Toerper Andrew Miller Spring-Ford Football