Marlo Möller
ID: 1114183960735756289
05-04-2019 15:12:11
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Keynote by Emilia Huerta on the role of introgression in human evolution at different time scales #smbe23 #smbe2023

Excited to see the Clusters of Research Excellence featured on MCID Bern's newsletter this month! Volker Thiel Shahida Moosa #StopTheGenocide Tulio de Oliveira Learn more on the Centre's activities: bit.ly/3szkWF1 & our pioneering Africa-Europe CoRE: bit.ly/43IO0HM #ARUATheGuild

Beny Falkovich No. And that’s the point. Science advances through millions of small advances, not three spectacular ones per year.

NEW PAPER! International TB Host Genetics Consortium meta-analysis of susceptibility to TB 14,153 cases and 19,536 controls We find one variant at p<5 × 10^-8 in HLA class II but fail to replicate other previously reported associations elifesciences.org/articles/84394 eLife - the journal [1/n]

I'm excited that Mendelian randomisation studies exploring susceptibility to TB will now be possible We've made a start, e.g. this nice study by Gus Hamilton on IL-6 signalling medrxiv.org/content/10.110… (an updated version of this manuscript is currently under review) [3/n]

Congrats to Haiko Schurz, Vivek Naranbhai, MD, PhD, DPhil, Tom Parks and Marlo Möller for getting it over the line - this paper represents a huge amount of work Hopefully people find it useful Thoughts welcome! [6/6]

Exciting Step Forward! The Africa-Europe Cluster of Research Excellence in Genomics for Health in Africa consortium gathered at Stellenbosch University for its first in-person meeting on Jan 16-17. A powerful collaboration in #genomicsresearch #CoREGHA

#RareDiseaseAwarenessMonth2024 It’s February so you know what that means… it’s time to shine the spotlight on #RareDiseases & the incredible work being conducted by the RareDiseaseGenomicsRSA at #MBHG to improve the lives of #RareWarriors in South Africa & Africa #RareDiseaseDay2024

Contemporary African DNA plays a vital role in unravelling human history. Combining diverse genetic data helps to predict variations applicable to health research. Marlo Möller @HennLab Eileen Hoal Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics #DNA #health bit.ly/3Orjb53

Carene is also the Chairperson of the Stellenbosch University Tygerberg Postgraduate Student Council. Read an editorial, of which she is the 1st author, on the Project Africa Gradient initiative here: doi.org/10.1016/j.drud… Division of Molecular Biology and Human Genetics SU, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Tygerberg Postgraduate Student Council (TPSC) SAMRC DIPLOMICS

📢CoRE- #GenomicsForHealthInAfrica is pleased to announce its next #webinar on 8th April! Don't miss talks on #genomics for #rarediseases by Olaf Riess (Universität Tübingen, Uniklinikum Tübingen) and #TB host #genetics by Yolandi Swart (Stellenbosch University, SU TB Host Genetics Research Group): tinyurl.com/bdz97b52

📢 Registration now open for the next #GenomicsForHealthInAfrica webinar on 13th May (14.00 SAST/CEST). Talks by Tulio de Oliveira (Centre for Epidemic Response & Innovation (CERI) Stellenbosch University University of KZN Wellcome Sanger Institute) and Joohyun Park (Universität Tübingen Uniklinikum Tübingen): tinyurl.com/5aa7tpft ARUA The Guild #AfricaEurope_CoRE

Celebrating 10 000 genomic samples sequenced! SAMRC Genomics Platform - team led by Craig Kinnear Well done and to 100 million African sequences more! 🎉🤩🥳 Marlo Möller and other friends 🫛