Maricelda Flores
MASM 516 / District 160
ID: 885874883644805120
14-07-2017 14:53:25
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193 Following
Built for speed and ready for our spooktacular customers! 🎃👻 Raul Limon joe Nunez (PePe) Sandy Raul Limon Arther Aviles manny martinez guadalupe chavez Rudy Garcia Jr
Wishing a Happy Birthday and a wonderful day to our ASDS Alex! Rogelio Sendejo Jon Landeros Maricelda Flores manny martinez
Congratulations to Jesse on his PROMOTION to CXM at store 0506! We know you will be very successful and we will all miss you! Rogelio Sendejo Jon Landeros Maricelda Flores manny martinez Marcelino Olivarez
Happy Birthday Jeff! Thank you for celebrating your special day with us.joe Nunez (PePe) manny martinez @THD_AlyG manny Raul Limon @Dave53657530 Rudy Garcia Jr Arther Aviles
Kicking off Success Sharing Week at 0516 with a Hawaiian BBQ!! A HUGE Congratulations to our outstanding Freight Team and our MET partners!@SendejoRoy12 Jon Landeros Fred Silva Ivan Quintero Maricelda Flores Arther Aviles Rudy Garcia Jr @THD_AlyG
Great Success Sharing celebration kick-off with our overnight MET and fright team associates here at 0516. Raul Limon Rogelio Sendejo Jon Landeros Cleo Maricelda Flores Arther Aviles manny martinez Fred Silva
Congratulations to our newly promoted DH joe Nunez (PePe) ! We are beyond excited to have you on our team!🙌🏽 Sandy manny martinez Arther Aviles @Dave53657530 Rudy Garcia Jr @THD_AlyG manny Raul Limon Maria L Garcia guadalupe chavez
An absolutely great day of learning, development and sharing of best practices! Thank you Roy for a great DDW today!@SendejoRoy12 Maricelda Flores manny martinez Arther Aviles Cleo Jon Landeros
Thank you so much Team great turnout for our Pro Appreciation Event Fall 2022 Rogelio Sendejo Raul Limon @THD_AlyG Maricelda Flores Albert Ybarra
Great recognition going on in today’s DDW with Rogelio Sendejo and Fred Silva Great interaction and participation! manny martinez Albert Ybarra joe Nunez (PePe) Sandy @Dave53657530 Rudy Garcia Jr Arther Aviles guadalupe chavez @THD_AlyG Raul Limon
Honoring those who served. We thank you for your service. @THD_AlyG @Dave53657530 Arther Aviles manny martinez Rudy Garcia Jr Raul Limon guadalupe chavez manny joe Nunez (PePe) Sandy Mariela Sepulveda Albert Ybarra Fred Silva Ivan Quintero
OVER 💰1 MILLION💰in SERVICES!!! 💸-Ytd. CONGRATULATIONS🎉 to the 516 Specialty Team and Thank you so very much! 1st in the District to reach this milestone for the year.& 1st time ever for 516. Rogelio Sendejo Raul Limon Floyd LeGalley Ricardo Solis (Rick) Maricelda Flores Sandy
516 Driving Weekend Services 💸💸💸with our Shed Table and Carpet Clinic Rogelio Sendejo Floyd LeGalley Raul Limon Sandy @THD_AlyG Ricardo Solis (Rick) Joey Borrego
Thank you Mykel & Susie bringing in a 4.2k Shed Sale today! Great team effort & execution on the weekend events. Rogelio Sendejo Raul Limon Ricardo Solis (Rick) Maricelda Flores Sandy
So awesome to have you in our store today Courtney! And a shout out to Aly and Alex for their participation during our walk! Thank you all! Rogelio Sendejo Jon Landeros Courtney Korkow Arther Aviles Maricelda Flores
Daniela educating our customers on our many Home Services that we offer this Saturday afternoon! Rogelio Sendejo Raul Limon Angela Bajek Maricelda Flores manny martinez
Mike closing out the lead he had earlier today with a last min Tuffshed sale! Rogelio Sendejo Raul Limon Angela Bajek Cesar Maricelda Flores @THD_AlyG
It’s a great time to buy a Tuff Shed! Great deals and knowledgeable associates available to answers any questions! Angela Bajek Raul Limon @THD_AlyG Sandy Mykel Scott Roy Arther Aviles Cesar