Dr. Maria Zalm
Senior Editor - publication ethics @PLOS. Former PhD student at @uniofeastanglia, former Editor for the @BMC_Series. All views presented here are my own.
ID: 999934464804433920
25-05-2018 08:45:29
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The PLOS Publication Ethics team is recruiting a new Publishing Editor. This role is well-suited to individuals who have experience in publishing operations or in editorial assistant/associate roles. If you are interested, please check the job listing: us241.dayforcehcm.com/CandidatePorta…

Want to learn more about the newly published Communication of #Retractions, Removals, & Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice? Join us for a FREE webinar hosted by Caitlin Bakker Jodi Schneider & Dr. Maria Zalm on Tuesday July 23 at 10 am EDT: niso.org/events/crec-pu…

We're hosting a free webinar (Jul 23 @ 10am EDT) on the new Communication of #Retractions Removals & Expressions of Concern (CREC) Recommended Practice! Caitlin Bakker Jodi Schneider & Dr. Maria Zalm will join us to discuss the project & plans for implementation: niso.org/events/crec-pu…

I enjoyed an excellent and thought provoking keynote speech by Jake Okechukwu Effoduh (Jake Okechukwu Effoduh) at the #alpsp2024 conference this afternoon. Publishers are the custodians of reliable scholarly information, and now more than ever before we need to step up to that responsibility.

It seems the perfect cross-over between two of my biggest interests, publication ethics and gaming, is finally becoming a reality! Check it out: Publish or Perish: A Humorous Party Game about Academia on Kickstarter kickstarter.com/projects/maxhu…

A fantastic final day at Society of Neuroscience topped off by this delightful video! Meet Billy Wade, an undergraduate (junior) in the lab of Dr. Stephanie Grella (Stephanie L. Grella, PhD) Loyola University Chicago, with the best cross-species poster presentation at #SfN24! #SfNPigeon now better