Bindu Manyam Rusia MD
Radiation Oncologist, Allegheny Health Network Cancer Institute.
ID: 778221189856686081
20-09-2016 13:16:05
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Our work on the clinical validation of RTOG 0813 proximal bronchial tree constraints Kevin Stephans MD Cleveland Clinic MD redjournal.org/article/S0360-…

Excited to present results from our meta-analysis this afternoon on margins following breast conserving surgery (w/ Zahraa Al-Hilli Bindu Manyam Rusia MD) as well as presentation from Stephanie Valente ASBrS #bcsm x.com/asbrs/status/1… Rahul Tendulkar, MD Jame Abraham, MD, FACP Halle Moore, MD

In patients with low-risk early stage breast cancer, consideration for partial breast irradiation alone as compared to endocrine therapy alone for de-intensification: link.springer.com/article/10.100… Great to collaborate with Matthew Ward Nikhil G. Thaker, MD Atif J Khan Zahraa Al-Hilli #bcsm

Our data on involved neck only RT Vs TMI for HNSCC UKP, p16 + & -. All patients underwent PET-CT. Less acute & late tox with neck only RT, no primaries emerged, disease control not compromised #hncsm #radonc maureenct0957 @carolynnscrim onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.111…

Great session (EDU21) on hypofx RT for #HNCSM @ #ASTRO20. Shlomo Koyfman from #CleClinicCancer shares great advice & his thought process on balancing definitive treatment in locally advanced cases that can't tolerate SOC. Trainee goal➡️develop this clinical mind Cleveland Clinic MD

#ASCO2021 Robert Ferris, MD, PhD presents ECOG 3311 update - 3y PFS 94.9% (TOS+50Gy) vs 93.5% (TOS+60Gy). Potential QoL/tox benefits with 50Gy. Do we need more evidence to recommend 50Gy following TOS for close margins (<3mm), 2-3 LN, ≤1mm ENE and PNI/LVI? #hncsm

Management of the axilla is one of the most challenging and rapidly evolving areas of breast cancer RT(#bcsm). Wanted to present common scenarios and management, lots of different and correct ways to proceed Atif J Khan Wendy Woodward MDPhD Reshma Jagsi Jonathan Strauss Rahul Tendulkar, MD #1

First program of its type In western Pennsylvania focusing on survivorship and objective improvement in health metrics in cancer patients Colin Champ, M.D. AHN Bindu Manyam Rusia MD onclive.com/view/ahn-cance…

Head and neck #radonc runs strong from @CleClinicCancer! Amazing group that sure does work hard. Not pictured, but can’t be forgotten Matthew Ward Nikhil Joshi Neil Woody Bindu Manyam Rusia MD Jacob Miller & Jeff Kittle.

Truly wonderful to see former, current, and future #radonc residents at our Cleveland Clinic MD reception! 👍 Carryn Anderson, MD Bindu Manyam Rusia MD Shauna Campbell, DO Sarah Kilic, MD Jenna Kocsis Elizabeth Obi #WeWhoCurie #ASTRO23 #CleClinicCancer