A systematic, quantitative investment firm. Disclaimer: Tweet =\= investment advice. We may have positions in tokens, instruments, protocols discussed.
ID: 1453068638655819778
https://manifoldtrading.com 26-10-2021 18:39:02
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farmed friend.tech airdrop pretty hard on Base when it first dropped last summer, will see how that paid off pretty soon w/ token launch tomorrow possibility for fantasy.top to be similar opp on @Blast_L2 w/ Manifold + Alliance backing, esp prior to token launch

The team from Ion Protocol is excited to announce a total fundraise of $7M, led by @gumicryptos and 90+ additional supporters The funding was completed to introduce Nucleus—the default yield provider for networks across the crypto ecosystem ⬇️

Strategic Investment: We just received a strategic investment from significant investors including OKX Ventures, Nomad Capital, Presto, LTP _ Digital Asset Prime Broker, Manifold, and Origin Protocol! More than $5M has been invested to support Orderly's mission to develop