Maanasa Kona
Full-time over-thinker. Health law and policy researcher at Center on Health Insurance Reforms at Georgetown.
ID: 1481415654
04-06-2013 05:30:50
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What's the future of torts, contracts, and liability in medicine? Panel 5 of the 2023 Annual Conference is now up @Ckonnoth, Christine Monahan, Maanasa Kona, Madeline O'Brien, Mark Hall, Jill Horwitz (Mod. Wendy Netter Epstein) 🔗youtube.com/watch?v=k3GHqE…

In her new Forefront article, Maanasa Kona from Georgetown University discusses how, on July 25, 2023, the U.S. Department of Labor, HHS.gov, + Treasury Department proposed a new rule to strengthen the enforcement of the federal Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. bit.ly/3sxCukV

Want to know what's in the new proposed rules on mental health parity? @gtownCHIR Maanasa Kona Health Affairs have you covered! healthaffairs.org/content/forefr…

For a comprehensive overview and perspective of state laws on consumer protections against medical debt see this new report out today Commonwealth Fund by Maanasa Kona Dan Goldberg

What have states done to protect people from financially devastating medical debt? Hot off the press: Center on Health Insurance Reforms Maanasa Kona Commonwealth Fund report and comprehensive 50-state map commonwealthfund.org/publications/f…

In their new Forefront article, Christine Monahan and Linda Blumberg from Georgetown University discuss how congressional proposals to increase transparency in hospital billing are a first step toward reform. bit.ly/45IZQCK

Experts fear #PrivateEquity will pour gas on cardiology’s overuse problem "They see dollar signs and they’re going for them.” -Vikas Saini Lown Institute statnews.com/2023/09/11/pri… via STAT

In Health Affairs Forefront w/ Erin Fuse Brown, I describe different forms of healthcare transparency, the urgent need for **ownership transparency** in particular, and what we lose when policymakers exclude ownership transparency from consideration. healthaffairs.org/content/forefr…

Are policies to improve access to primary care working at the local level? Center on Health Insurance Reforms researchers offer recommendations based on their case studies of the impact on low-income populations in five rural and urban areas. buff.ly/3MQoZ79 #PrimaryCare #HealthEquity

#PrimaryCare saves lives. How to make sure everybody has access? Maanasa Kona Jalisa Clark and Emma Walsh-Acker provide takeaways from five case studies looking at the local impact of policies to improve access to primary care for underserved populations: buff.ly/46ey8NH

#PrimaryCare saves lives. How to make sure everybody has access? Maanasa Kona Jalisa Clark and Emma Walsh-Acker provide takeaways from five case studies looking at the local impact of policies to improve access to primary care for underserved populations: buff.ly/41hQT21

We at Center on Health Insurance Reforms were delighted to partner with Association of Health Care Journalists and RWJF to create a new resource to help journalists navigate the thicket of state/federal rules and market forces that drive U.S. health insurance. Now available here: healthjournalism.org/blog/2023/12/a… Katherine Hempstead

What are states doing to reduce the burden of hospital bills for low-income patients? Center on Health Insurance Reforms and Maanasa Kona Commonwealth Fund on the state of financial assistance programs. commonwealthfund.org/blog/2024/stat…