Dr. Melvin Rogers
Edna and Richard Salomon Distinguished Professor, Brown University
& Associate Director, Center for PPE
Find me at: @[email protected]
ID: 853565917
https://www.melvinrogers.site 29-09-2012 20:35:46
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My review essay titled, "Earlie Thorpe: Antiracist Scholar Who Centered Black Voices in US History" will be published this month in the American Historical Review. Dr. Thorpe taught North Carolina Central University from 1962-1989 and served as pres. of the ASALH from 1980-1982.
NYC, Sept. 26: 'Creolizing Hannah Arendt' Book Launch and Collective Conversation. Join us for a book launch with opening remarks by the authors, contributors, followed by a collective conversation, on 9/26, 7-9pm, at Bard NYC, Brooklyn; Hannah Arendt Center hac.bard.edu/creolizing-han…
I reported today that the NYPD has been *throwing out* cases of police misconduct *without even looking at the evidence* Under the current commissioner--who just got his phone seized by the feds--they've been doing it even more 400+ cases just this year propublica.org/article/nypd-t…
I had a wonderful time yesterday talking with Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland at the Majority Report about The Darkened Light of Faith Princeton University Press @princetonupress.bsky.s Majority Report African American Political Thought And Democracy's Outcomes w/ Melvin Ro... youtube.com/live/aC5EiwEB9… via YouTube