Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab
The Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab does research on Developmental Epigenetics at the Lunenfeld-Tanenbaum Research Institute and the University of Toronto, Canada.
ID: 968925790577483776
28-02-2018 19:08:05
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Discussed in Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab lit review: Nutrient deprivation induces mouse embryonic diapause mediated by Gator1 and Tsc2 journals.biologists.com/dev/article-ab…
Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab welcomes undergrad students, Jaico Jaico Yin , Khushpreet and Megan from University of Toronto
Congratulations, Lamisa Ataei Lamisa Ataei! The first U. of Toronto PhD student graduating from our lab! Thesis defended with flying colors! Keep an eye out for the work.
Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab lab getaway at the Centre Island..fun to take some time away from the lab and get some sunshine..:)
MRS reported latest from our lab on LINE1 in hESCs #ISSCR2024, Hamburg. Great to reconnect with many colleagues, + Aydan Bulut-Karslioglu Dr. Evelyne Collignon. Excellent science, massive industry show. For respite: Art Museum, Caspar David Friedrich, “Wonderer above the sea of fog”, 1817.
Postdoc positions in the Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab! Please RT. Upcoming departure of several very successful lab members + new funding = postdoc positions! Exciting new avenues in mouse development, hypertranscription, dormancy and environment-epigenome interactions. mrsantoslab.org
Recent review from Miguel Ramalho-Santos Lab. Everything you wanted to know about hypertranscription but were afraid to ask! This review discusses concepts of hypertranscription & technological advancements to probe global transcriptional shifts in stem cell biology. cell.com/trends/genetic…