Parenting Travel Health
ID: 968995722606645248
28-02-2018 23:45:58
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Congrats to the New York Section Team “Dirty UA” on winning the first round of the #AUA22 resident bowl! MontefioreUrology Downstate Urology Columbia Urology Rutgers RWJ Urology New York Section AUA Amer. Urol. Assn.
Excited to celebrate the Albert Einstein College of Medicine - Official 2022 graduates!
Thank you Amer. Urol. Assn. and Boston Scientific for supporting the Future program 🙏🏾 Thank you Denise Asafu-Adjei MD, MPH for organizing 🙏🏾 Mentee Beatriz Hernandez gets two mentors for the day today!
Urinary incontinence isn't just a medical issue – it's a financial 💸issue too!! Our latest research from MontefioreUrology investigated the #financialtoxicity 💵☠️of urinary incontinence and we proudly shared our recent results at Amer. Urol. Assn. #AUA23