Constantinides Lab
Deciphering the communication between microbes & their host as part of the Department of Immunology & Microbiology @scrippsresearch PI: @Immuno_Mike
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https://www.constantinideslab.com 15-07-2018 13:34:13
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It’s a pleasure to announce this virtual symposium Scripps Research. To hear from Dr. Hanč, Deepika Sharma, Dr. Wallrapp, @LeahTGuthrie, Adriana Mujal, Stephanie Ragland, Dr. Holmes, & @gkay92 please register: scrippsresearch.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Join the virtual Future Leaders of Immunology Symposium this Thursday, Sept. 14 hosted by Scripps Research. Please RT & register here: scrippsresearch.zoom.us/webinar/regist…

Lab BBQ to thank Scripps Research Graduate Program student Yuki Koide for her research rotation!

Congrats to Scripps Research Graduate Program student Adam Sobel who received an AAI poster award La Jolla Immunology Conference for his research on how antibiotic use in early life affects MAIT cells!

“Sometimes you must retreat to advance” - Constantinides Lab on their inaugural lab retreat!

Impressed by the idea pitches from Constantinides Lab members Dominic Haas Gabrielle LeBlanc Jonathan Melamed & Adam Sobel during our retreat!

#TBT to this month’s 3rd lab anniversary celebration Disney CA Adventure, with Scripps Research Graduate Program students Gabrielle LeBlanc Praj Warang Adam Sobel Dominic Haas Jonathan Melamed & Scripps Research PI Michael G. Constantinides

Constantinides Lab on ice at the #KSBarrierReg24 Keystone Symposia following a great presentation by Jonathan Melamed

Study host-microbe interactions in sunny San Diego, CA! Fully-funded postdoc opportunity in the Constantinides Lab Constantinides Lab Scripps Research. Please RT! Apply: bit.ly/3wuURck

Congrats to my friend & fellow Cancer Research Institute alumnus Michael G. Constantinides for the Prestigious #AAI2024 Award!!!

Welcoming Scripps Research Graduate Program summer research fellow Pam Tamelessio with saltandstraw 🍦

Congrats to Scripps Research Graduate Program student Adam Sobel for his successful PhD defense!

Happy #NationalInternDay from Scripps Research, featuring our Scripps Research Graduate Program SURF intern Pam Tamelessio & her mentor Gabrielle LeBlanc!

Join our virtual immunology symposium Scripps Research on Wed, Sept 18 featuring Zuri Sullivan, Alex Wells, Djenet Bousbaine, Dr. Valeria M. Reyes Ruiz, Maria Cecilia Canesso, Dr. Delconte, Liwen Deng, & Nagela Ghabdan Zanluqui. Register: bit.ly/ScrippsLeaders

Impressed by the research these San Diego Unified students accomplished this summer at Scripps Research as part of the REsearch Awareness for Community High schools (REACH) program! Thank you for mentoring Ahmed H. Badran Katja Lamia (she/her) WisemanLab Constantinides Lab Arnab Chatterjee & Marisa Roberto!

Congrats to Scripps Research Graduate Program student Dominic Haas on becoming a PhD candidate! 🗡️🍾🥂