Madeline Lynam
Teacher at Providence Christian College - Middle Schooling Coordinator. Loving working with Heads of departments to create cross- curricular links!
ID: 3287084294
22-07-2015 03:12:53
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Hexagonal Thinking has really focused students with their research. Students are using tables and pictures with dot points in their notes ready to turn into cartoon pages! Intentional teaching! @mareewhiteley@@beckycarlzon Trevor MacKenzie Kath Murdoch
Blogging has been integral to our latest project in HASS in Year 7 and the PIE extension programme. Here is the link Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie Becky Carlzon #connectidentitypurpose
Very excited to be at Day 2 of the Festival of Inquiry! Excitement is in the air! #InquiryMindset Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie
Festival of Inquiry! We are invited to be brave and to get interrogative with our practice!!! Bring it on! #InquiryMindset Trevor MacKenzie Maree Whiteley🌏👫
Festival of Inquiry- “Assessment is a conversation!” #InquiryMindset Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie
Festival of Learning! What aren’t you talking about in your schools? Using Lego as metaphors! Fabulous discussions! Joel Birch (Parody Account) Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie #InquiryMindset
Festival of Inquiry! “Sit next to students when giving feedback rather than opposite!” A change so simple but so valuable! #InquiryMindset Trevor MacKenzie Maree Whiteley🌏👫
Another great quote from Trevor MacKenzie “we talk a lot about how we think about thinking and how we Hearn about learning” what a most inspiring day at The Festival if Inquiry! #InquiryMindset Trevor MacKenzie Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Jessica Vance
Just completed #purposefulpedagogies have enjoyed putting the LPA into practice! Becky Carlzon Maree Whiteley🌏👫 #learningpioneers #connectidentitypurpose
So we have all been able to rest after being part of the #Purposefulpedagogies ShowCase yesterday. A wonderful sharing of incredible student voice and action! Global competencies and Sustainable Development Goals !! Engaging and authentic learning led by Maree Whiteley🌏👫
Beginnings of a ‘Learning Wall’ for our unit in Law in Year 7 and 8 Jessica Vance ‘Tuning In’ with questions, infographics and curiosity Becky Carlzon Trevor MacKenzie Maree Whiteley🌏👫
In PIE we are exploring AI for our new project- How will AI affect our future? Tuning in with how and why questions! Exploring CANVA text to image generators! #purposefulpedagogies Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie Becky Carlzon
Added to our Yr 7 and 8 Learning Wall on Law over the last weeks! Jessica Vance Began a Learning Window for my Year 9s to begin our Biomes and Farming study! Another window exploring AI with the PIE class Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Trevor MacKenzie #Purposefulpedagogies
Connect Identity Purpose exhibition for the parents and Providence! PIE students and Year 7 representatives telling stories of History and stories migration! Mini-showcases, oral presentations and lots of sharing! #PurposefulPedagogies Maree Whiteley🌏👫 Becky Carlzon Kath Murdoch
Spending 20 minutes twice a week reading Brett Salakas awesome inspiring book! Maree Whiteley🌏👫 #aussieED
Just had a wonderful lesson with Year 7 HASS focusing on ANZAC Day! Integrated Diane Wolfer texts and First Nation’s ANZAC stories of Douglas Grant and Sendy Togo! Maree Whiteley🌏👫 #whyhassmatters