Lu Wang
Associate Professor, Computer Science and Engineering, University of Michigan; researcher in natural language processing; directs @launchnlp.
ID: 1005850877482106880
https://web.eecs.umich.edu/~wangluxy/ 10-06-2018 16:35:11
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Looking forward to joining University of Michigan CSE (correction: this fall) and working with exceptional colleagues, especially Rada Rada Mihalcea and Joyce. With Laura @wenlaura314 and Veronica, we have FIVE female core NLP faculty members!

Can LLMs help retrieval for multi-hop QA? Super excited to share my work on Few-shot Reranking for Multi-hop QA via Language Model Prompting. Work done with Lajanugen Logeswaran Moontae Lee Lu Wang Honglak Lee 📜arxiv.org/abs/2205.12650… 🧵1/

How do even fact-based news outlets *unobtrusively* bias their reporting? In our new #EMNLP2023 paper, we study how media engage in partisan event coverage: choosing which events to include or exclude in articles. ⭐️Paper: aclanthology.org/2023.emnlp-mai… ⭐️Code: github.com/launchnlp/ATC

Thrilled to announce that registration and abstract submission are open for the 17th Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD) symposium, which is being held at University of Michigan April 15-16. See details here ai.engin.umich.edu/news/midwest-s… 1/5

🚨Registration and abstract submission OPEN🚨 for the 17th Midwest Speech and Language Days (MSLD) symposium, happening University of Michigan, April 15-16! Co-organized by Michigan AI, @UMSI & U-M College of LSA Weinberg Institute for Cognitive Science. Details: ai.engin.umich.edu/news/midwest-s…

📢 NAACL needs Reviewers & Area Chairs! 📝 If you haven't received an invite for ARR Oct 2024 & want to contribute, sign up by Oct 22nd! ➡️AC form: forms.office.com/r/8j6jXLfASt ➡️Reviewer form: forms.office.com/r/cjPNtL9gPE Please RT 🔁 and help spread the word! 🗣️ #NLProc ACLRollingReview