Loanne Pichot 🐋
PhD in bioacoustics @UMRAE_lab @CeremaCom @UGustaveEiffel 🎧🔊 working on maritime traffic noise and collisions with Humpback whales 🐋🇲🇬- she/elle
ID: 1372525459330768904
18-03-2021 12:29:17
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A great week at #OCEANOISE2023 comes to a close! Thank you to Eric Baudin for taking photos of our presenters & sending them to me (amy dozier 🌿🎨🌊) to share from afar. We have a wonderful team of people on the SATURN project, who make it easy to have hope for the future of the ocean!
🚨 PhD opportunity 🚨 From personality to prey: understanding movement of migratory shorebirds during the non-breeding period With myself, Allert Bijleveld, Dr Samantha Franks and Stefano Mariani Advert: VC Studentship info:…
🚨Nous proposons un CDD de 18 mois d'assistant ingénieur en biologie moléculaire pour travailler sur le forficule et sa résistance aux pesticides. Au programme: ARNi, qPCR & comportement. Rejoignez nous ! IRBI @UnivTours CNRS Centre Limousin Poitou Charente Pour postuler👇…
The future of whales 🐳in our Anthropocene #Ocean via Science Advances…
Olivier Adam professeur de bioacoustique au laboratoire ∂'Alembert - SU & CNRS à Sorbonne Université et Gabriel Dubus doctorant en éco-acoustique sous-marine présentent le chant des baleines : 📽️