LoL LFT 🇮🇹
Raccogliamo i LF di giocatori e staffers 🇮🇹 e LTR 🇪🇺
ID: 1300106138684358656
30-08-2020 16:20:41
378 Tweet
184 Following
Slowly but surely the Split comes to an end. Thank you Team for this Split. I want to explore some options for the next split. Im available for any Region. References: KINGOFHATE. I appreciate any like and tweet:) LoL LFT Fr LFT_LOL_ES LoL LFT 🇮🇹 LFT_LoL_EU
Je relance.. LoL LFT Fr
After some time i am lft as an ass. coach -1.5 years exp -can speak italian and english -willing to improve -mainly looking for div. 4, div 3 or div 2 experience Likes and retweets appreciated For ref dm me LoL LFT 🇮🇹 LoL Looking For Team 🇮🇹 🇪🇺
LF Assistant Coach per il Circuito Tormenta DM se interessati LoL LFT 🇮🇹 LoL Looking For Team 🇮🇹 🇪🇺 ❤️e🔁 apprezzati :)
Ciao, sono LFT da Adc al momento sono D4 •Cerco prime esperienze in team •Tanta voglia di imparare e migliorare •Champion pool adattabile •Tiltproof Opgg:… LoL LFT 🇮🇹
Apocalypse -Sports é alla ricerca di un support D4+ per seguire un progetto a lungo termine. Si offre un coaching staff solido e preparato. Allenamenti prettamente serali. Per maggiori info, DM in privato. ❤️ & 🔄 Are very appreciated. LoL LFT 🇮🇹 LoL Looking For Team 🇮🇹 🇪🇺
After a long break I'm looking for team again, Master ADC - 1 year of experience in CT Mainly looking for div3/div2. Highly prefer CT. Opgg :… Likes and retweets are appreciated. 🥰 LoL LFT Fr LFT_LoL_EU LoL LFT 🇮🇹
After some unfortunate circumstances im looking for some opportunities to play. Im open for any Region. For further questions just DM me. I thank everyone who is liking and retweeting my post. LoL LFT Fr LFT_LOL_ES LoL LFT 🇮🇹 LFT_LoL_EU Looking For a Team ⚡ LFT POLAND Prime League LFT
LoL LFT 🇮🇹 master 160lp jungler sono lft, molta esperienza in team vasta champ pool, esperienza ct