Lluís Blancafort
Computational and theoretical chemist with a 'faible' for Rock'n'roll.
ID: 989423598958993408
http://iqcc.udg.edu/wordpress/portfolio/lluis-blancafort/ 26-04-2018 08:39:03
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Our first work on photo induced phenomena in biological molecules is now published! Congratulations to Satyajit and thanks to SERB and IISER Bhopal for support. The Journal of Physical Chemistry ACS Publications Dept of Chemistry, IISER Bhopal pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/ac…

The Lumb Group Tomislav Friscic has openings for #chempostdoc in inorganic chemistry McGill Chemistry for a project on the mechanochemical separation of precious metals. See that attached project description for more details. Position is available immediately. Please RT.

Join us 30th of Sept from 5pm at #NitRecerCat22 Casa Cultura Girona with a workshop on "Porfirines: Donuts aromàtics per transportar metalls" by Lluís Blancafort Ouissam El Bakouri We are looking forward to seeing you! #IQCCoutreach Universitat de Girona C4D UdG UdG Recerca

PÒDCAST 🎙️ | Saps què és la indoloquinona? Es tracta d'una molècula que es troba a la melanina i que té una funció protectora de la radiació solar. En parlem amb l’investigador de la Universitat de Girona Lluís Blancafort. La Xarxa IQCC UdG #SantCugat bit.ly/3PA7L02

FRINGE experiments at PSI Paul Scherrer Institut in Switzerland, 25-29 August 2023. Irradiating #FRINGE samples in solution with cold-thermal neutrons at ICON, to detect the production of singlet oxygen. #glioblastoma Horizon 2020 Radionics NCSR Demokritos @ife_norway FET_EU @FETFX_EU