Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile


Automotive electronics specialist

ID: 978247364744916992

link calendar_today26-03-2018 12:28:41

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什么时候能像乔布斯一样自信的对人说what you have ever done in your life is shit, so why don’t you come work for me?😂

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#对医疗行业改革的建议 1,全盘否定改革开放以来医疗体系的政策,深挖彻查该系统的贪污腐败资本买办及卖国行为,严惩国贼! 2,全面弱化西医对医疗体系的领导,尤其是有西方留学背景的。 3,全面强化中医对医疗体系的领导,举国之力培养高水平的中医人才。 待续

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo


Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#吹响冲锋号 #美丽家园 开一个 #吹响冲锋号 系列,表达我对很多大事小事的看法和解决办法,民族要走向复兴,人民要获得幸福,不能只靠肉食者谋,因为肉食者鄙。哪怕无人问津,但我辈自有担当,让我们一起吹响进攻的冲锋号。

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#应该取缔的行业 #鸣响冲锋号 奶制品行业,起码应该成为一个小众行业。大众根本不需要这么多牛奶,现在的生产纯粹为了资本增值而做,成为一个攫取不当利益的工具行业,而非为了满足人们的正当的自然的需求。食品生产为了人们的生存营养需要,为了健康,为了美味。

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

50% of the population doesn't like Lula and I'm not a thief either . 卢拉是真不受巴西人待见啊,上次一个巴西朋友在博索纳罗败选后如丧考妣,这次这朋友直接就准备移民美国了。就我这些年从巴西人那里了解到的,那里的腐败是系统性的,由来已久的,根深蒂固的。百姓对此深恶痛绝似乎也无可奈何.

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#二十年目睹之怪现状之审美跑偏 不知道从什么时候开始染黄头发成为一种时尚,试问黄头发的外国人会染黑头发吗?看着不膈应吗?要是能染眼球,是不是很多人会把自己染成蓝眼球?尤其是一些中老年妇女也跟这个风,审美跑偏到太阳系以外了好吗!

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

With this solar powered holder , my phone has never been hold firmly as in today, nice product ! #caraccessory #carelectronics #carplay

With this solar powered holder , my phone has never been hold firmly as in today, nice product ! #caraccessory #carelectronics #carplay
Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software, if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.#stevejobs #carplay #androidauto

We may have the best product, the highest quality, the most useful software, if we present them in a slipshod manner, they will be perceived as slipshod; if we present them in a creative, professional manner, we will impute the desired qualities.#stevejobs #carplay #androidauto
Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#吹响冲锋号 祖国完全统一前有两件事建议考虑,一是接蒋中正的灵柩回大陆安葬,叶落归根。这是他的遗愿,他也是台湾问题的根源,让其灵柩回故乡入土为安,是对台湾人最好的精神召唤。二,死死看住台北故宫文物,片纸不得出海外,当局胆敢试图转移中华文物瑰宝分毫到海外,视同宣战!

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#鸣响冲锋号# 本来两年前就该结束的疫情硬是被拖到去年底,十几亿人被核酸和疫苗折腾了那么长时间还是都羊了,就这样还是有脸宣传疫苗的好,网红医生还是能升官,这个世界就是这么的荒诞!对,我们都是沉默待宰的羔羊!还以为消停了,都快把过去两年的愤怒和失望忘记了. 待续

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Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Fucking expert again is selling anxiety about COVID pandemic to public , how much you were paid for output these bullshit? #鸣响冲锋号

Lixiaolei (@lixiaolei6) 's Twitter Profile Photo

This is typically how I spent my weekend , doing product testing over and over to make sure I keep pace with the trend and build the foundation for next innovation!

This is typically how I spent my weekend , doing product testing over and over to make sure I keep pace with the trend and build the foundation for next innovation!