Lesley Stewart
Director of CRD University of York
NIHR Evidence Synthesis Programme Director
Interests evidence synthesis, particularly IPD meta-analysis
Views are my own
ID: 4105993359
03-11-2015 17:29:27
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Lesley Stewart Paula Williamson FMedSci @trudie_lang Mona Kanaan @cochranemthds After 10 years chairing ISRCTN registry registry it is time for me to pass on this fascinating responsibility. You probably know my successor. Can you help ISRCTN registry find the right person?

It's been one year since the publication of the Global Commission on Evidence report... Read their update to learn more about progress towards improving the use of evidence to address societal challenges and how we can move from recommendations into action mcmasterforum.org/networks/evide…

I just supported this case! crowdjustice.com/case/save-pens… via CrowdJustice

It was a real pleasure to host you in CRD Daniel Gallardo-Gómez

Such a pleasure to attend launch of the Candlelighters Trust supportive care research centre. The goody bags were just as creative as the presentations by CRD's Bob Phillips Jess Morgan Lucy Shepherd Ruth Walker

Fantastic opportunity to work with Bob Phillips and Jess Morgan and others working on supportive care projects and more broadly in evidence synthesis at CRD. An interesting PhD topic and an opportunity to make a difference.