Maribel Anguiano (@latinaneuronerd) 's Twitter Profile
Maribel Anguiano


phd candidate | nsf-grfp fellow | community college graduate | #FirstGen | 🇲🇽 | interested in proteomics, neural circuits & social behavior

ID: 1148728002848546816

calendar_today09-07-2019 22:57:52

681 Tweet

769 Takipçi

392 Takip Edilen

tina kim (@tinakim_neuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

And it’s out! Our lab’s very first paper is published today Nature Methods! Our calcium-activated split-TurboID (CaST) can biochemically tag activated neurons within 10 minutes, enabling a molecular handle on functionally relevant cell ensembles:

tina kim (@tinakim_neuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Congratulations to Run Zhang for leading the invention, engineering, characterization, and validation of CaST, and Maribel Anguiano for leading the in vivo validation and application in mice. This was also an amazing collaboration with Olson Lab and Isak Aarestad.

Run Zhang (@runchesterzhang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Here we present the very first paper of our lab for a calcium-dependent version of split-TurboID (CaST). It allows rapid and non-invasive labeling of active neurons for both in vitro and in vivo applications simply by exogenous biotin administration.

Run Zhang (@runchesterzhang) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Thanks to my mentor tina kim for the guidance and support, Kim lab members Maribel Anguiano, Sophia Lin, Joshua Chandra, and Sruti Vadde for all the hard work to push this project forward, and our great collaborators Olson Lab and Isak Aarrestad to make it a robust story.

Thanks to my mentor <a href="/tinakim_neuro/">tina kim</a> for the guidance and support, Kim lab members <a href="/LatinaNeuroNerd/">Maribel Anguiano</a>, Sophia Lin, Joshua Chandra, and Sruti Vadde for all the hard work to push this project forward, and our great collaborators <a href="/DEOlsonLab/">Olson Lab</a> and Isak Aarrestad to make it a robust story.
tina kim (@tinakim_neuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

I am very excited to share that our lab will be moving to Princeton University in January of 2025! We will be in the new Bioengineering Institute Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute & the Princeton Neuroscience Institute Institute. I'm excited for new research directions at the interface of these two fantastic groups! (1/2)

I am very excited to share that our lab will be moving to <a href="/Princeton/">Princeton University</a> in January of 2025!

We will be in the new Bioengineering Institute <a href="/omenndarlingbio/">Omenn-Darling Bioengineering Institute</a> &amp; the <a href="/PrincetonNeuro/">Princeton Neuroscience Institute</a> Institute. I'm excited for new research directions at the interface of these two fantastic groups! (1/2)
tina kim (@tinakim_neuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

However it is bittersweet to be leaving our amazing colleagues & friends UC Davis Center for Neuroscience & UC Davis Neurology. The Davis Neuro community is truly unique & so special. I am very lucky to have started my lab in such a welcoming and vibrant community that does such amazing research ♥️ (2/2)

Cientifico Latino, Inc. (@cientificolatin) 's Twitter Profile Photo

We are happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (@bwfund) to launch a GSEC Scholarship Fund to support 34 1st year grad students (part of our GSEC 2024 program) by covering financial expenses in their 1st year of grad school.

We are happy to announce that we have received a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund (@bwfund) to launch a GSEC Scholarship Fund to support 34 1st year grad students (part of our GSEC 2024 program) by covering financial expenses in their 1st year of grad school.
Jessie Muir (@jessie_muir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Neuromodulator and neuropeptide signaling is essential for regulating behavior. We review cutting edge chemical biological tools for monitoring and manipulating neurochemical signaling.

Jacob Roshgadol (@jroshgadol) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Quite a review paper from the tina kim lab. Really good summary of the state of the field, and insightful suggestions of what's to come. Great work, Jessie Muir and Maribel Anguiano!…

tina kim (@tinakim_neuro) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Read about the latest circuit tools for studying neuromodulator & neuropeptide signaling in vivo! We describe the use of neurochemical sensors, actuators, and probes in our lab’s first Review Science Magazine Congrats Jessie Muir & Maribel Anguiano!

Science Magazine (@sciencemagazine) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The ability to read and manipulate neural signals is critical for understanding the basic principles governing brain functions in physiological and pathological conditions. A new #ScienceReview looks at recent advances in tools leveraging chemical biology for monitoring

The ability to read and manipulate neural signals is critical for understanding the basic principles governing brain functions in physiological and pathological conditions. 

A new #ScienceReview looks at recent advances in tools leveraging chemical biology for monitoring
Martine Therrien (@martinetherrie4) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Getting ready for our first lab poster with a deep dish pizza! Stop by this afternoon to poster K21 to hear all about microglia's response to peripheral inflammation #sfn2024

Getting ready for our first lab poster with a deep dish pizza! Stop by this afternoon to poster K21 to hear all about microglia's response to peripheral inflammation #sfn2024
Jessie Muir (@jessie_muir) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Excited to share the Kim Lab’s newest paper in Science Magazine with Sophia Lin (twitterless) and tina kim ! We look at circuit mechanisms of psychedelic action underlying therapeutic-like effects in the PFC.…