Laura Herrera
Assistant Principal, fireman’s wife, mom of 3 kids and 3 cats, loves to travel
ID: 48078049
17-06-2009 19:17:19
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Great to visit with our Colleyville Elementary School team at today’s faculty meeting! This team goes above & beyond each day to make a difference in the lives of our little Cowboys!! #TeamCES #WeAreGCISD

This girl was so excited to get her GCISD AVID acceptance letter today!! Can’t believe she’ll be in middle school next year, though!!

A totality awesome eclipse experience Colleyville Elementary School Joshua Cassada Grapevine-Colleyville ISD

Proud of Asher for getting the Hustle award for football and Hustle award for athletics! Only a few more days left at GMS Boys Athletics!

Levi was given a STEM student of the year award today! He was also recognized for earning A Honor Roll and being a member of Hope Squad! So proud of him! Grapevine Middle

Team 105 Moms are ready to get this season started! What a fantastic turn out for Mom's 101 last night! We ❤️ our moms and our coaching staff! Bob DeBesse Jeffrey Hyde

Thank you Colleyville PTA for the Sonic drinks for our staff! We love appreciating our teachers!

Levi got 2nd place at his cross country meet yesterday and ran a 12:20!! So proud of him!!! GMS Boys Athletics