Lyduine Collij
Clinical neuroscientist; Postdoctoral researcher Lund University; BioFINDER; AMYPAD European IMI project; amyloid PET imaging; disease heterogeneity
ID: 1160623601176985600
11-08-2019 18:46:44
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241 Following
Can plasma pT217 🩸 be used to predict amyloid and tau status and streamline our clinical work flows? Come see my talk at CTAD 🕝 2.20 pm, OC6 🤞🤓 BioFINDER Oskar Hansson Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren
Breaking news at CTAD! EMA endorses a positive Biomarker Qualification Opinion regarding the use of Centiloid 📐 as an adjunct to visual inspection 👀 An amazing achievement by the AMYPAD team, bringing quant to the clinical routine! Juando Gispert Mahnaz Shekari
Our two BioFINDER group winners of the data blitz presentations during the MultiPark at LundU retreat! 🥳 Linda Karlsson Sophie Mastenbroek
In collaboration with Springer Healthcare, we developed an online learning module on 👁️ assessment of amyloid-PET. Are you a trainee or more advanced? There are all sorts of example cases! Check out the link below👇 … AMYPAD Frederik Barkhof Silvia Morbelli
Postdoc position alert 📢 Got experience with medical imaging 🩻 and/or machine learning methods 🖥️? Always wanted to explore Amsterdam 🧀? This is for you 👇… Henk(—Jan) Mutsaerts (he/him)
Our BioFINDER paper on a two-step🩸pTau217 approach to select the right patient for anti-amyloid treatment💊 is published in JAMA Neurology Check out our proposed novel workflow 👇 Oskar Hansson RikOssenkoppele Niklas Mattsson-Carlgren
Excited to share this new preprint! Many thanks to all co-authors and collaborators, Jake Vogel Lyduine Collij Alex Young RikOssenkoppele Frederik Barkhof Oskar Hansson, and all not on twitter.
PhD vacancy alert! 📣 Do you have experience with neuroimaging, programming skills, a fascination for the brain🧠, and would like to work in a highly international group? This position is for you! Check out the website👇… Frederik Barkhof Henk(—Jan) Mutsaerts (he/him)