This section of @LASACONGRESS seeks to create a platform for visual culture studies that can connect scholars from diverse fields.
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https://lasaweb.org/en/sections/visual-culture-studies/ 18-01-2020 22:01:19
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Happy pub day to Dr. Tatiana Reinoza's RECLAIMING THE AMERICAS! Chon Noriega: "exactly the book that's needed now as art history, art museums & interdisciplinary scholarship 'discover' #LatinxArt but rarely engage w/ the artwork itself, let alone the artists" utpress.utexas.edu/9781477326909/…

Fascinating blog post by Andrea Aramburú Villavisencio on her research into archival photographs of wet-nurses in 19th-century Lima: affectivelabour.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2023/04/24/arc… andrea aramburú v LASA VISUAL CULTURE STUDIES

Member News! @tatianareinoza has a new book that book explores the history of the Latinx graphic arts movement in the US. To order the book visit: utpress.utexas.edu/9781477326909/… Discount code: UTXM35 Latin American Studies Association (LASA)

If you'll be in Vancouver for Latin American Studies Association (LASA) 2023, please join us at VIVO Media Arts on W, May 24 Follow us @Shop6pm!. Register for this free event: eventbrite.ca/e/latin-americ… Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Gabriela Aceves Sepúlveda LASA FILM STUDIES

Join us! Check the program for links and location details Latin American Studies Association (LASA) LASA FILM STUDIES

If you're in Vancouver for Latin American Studies Association (LASA), please join the LASA VISUAL CULTURE STUDIES and LASA FILM STUDIES tonight VIVO Media Arts from 6 - 11pm (welcome remarks at 6:15). Gabriela Aceves SepĂşlveda

¡Hoy! Luis Alberto Sanchez ¡Unanse a nosotros! "From Dictatorships to Buen Vivir through Chilean Art and Culture" #LASA2023 LASA CONO SUR Latin American Studies Association (LASA) Lorna Dillon

Tonight! Please join the Visual Culture Studies Section for our annual Business Meeting (virtual & West Rm 121). We will announce prize winners, celebrate presenters and events, solicit nominations for upcoming council elections and look ahead to 2024! #LASA2023 Luis Alberto Sanchez

¡Hoy! 27 May Luis Alberto Sanchez ¡Unanse a nosotros! "Latin American Image Forms: Impure Practices, Frames, and Media" #LASA2023 10:15am - 11:45am (PT) / West Meeting Room 121 Latin American Studies Association (LASA) LASA FILM STUDIES

Thanks, LASA VISUAL CULTURE STUDIES, for this recognition. My article addresses questions like: How to visually verify virginity? How did operate the gyneco-scopic regime in the 17th century? How was a non-generative body seen/imagined by bureaucrats/midwives/doctors/the King/the Pope?

DEADLINE EXTENDED Please submit your nomination by 29 May 2023. Reply with any questions about the open positions or our Section #LASA2023 Lorna Dillon Luis Alberto Sanchez Latin American Studies Association (LASA) LASA FILM STUDIES