Louisiana Right to Life
We love mothers and their babies! We are Louisiana’s Pro-Life Voice, from the Capitol to the classroom. #PreauxLife
ID: 56735159
http://www.ProLifeLouisiana.org 14-07-2009 16:07:58
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On Friday, Louisiana Department of Health released guidance for hospitals that misoprostol can be included in obstetric hemorrhage carts in accordance with a hospital’s current policies and procedures. Physicians will continue to have access to misoprostol in medical situations, including but not

BREAKING: Thank you Attorney General Liz Murrill 🙌 for providing an unequivocal statement regarding the FACTS about our Pro-Life Laws & ACT 246!

🚨 Tonight we are SHOCKED & disappointed that FOX 8 New Orleans picked up a bogus 🤯 & one-sided story about the Abortion by Fraud Act from the Louisiana Illuminator, a far-left publication, without even including the guidance and directives of our state’s Louisiana Department of Health or Attorney General Liz Murrill

1) Current state law & regulations require hospitals to secure and keep account for ALL medication, controlled substances or not. Hospitals must already do this for misoprostol.🔗ldh.la.gov/assets/hss/Hos… 2) The Louisiana Department of Health and Attorney General Liz Murrill have already addressed that these

We asked for the guidance from Louisiana Department of Health and statement from Attorney General Liz Murrill to be shared, since that was NOT included. Louisiana Illuminator you provided your story without the facts provided by our state’s officials misinforming the public. From Attorney General Liz Murrill: “To be clear: