Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience
Globally renowned institute for research excellence and education in #MentalHealth and #Neuroscience at @KingsCollegeLon
ID: 936581539
https://www.kcl.ac.uk/ioppn 09-11-2012 10:22:45
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📣 Prof Marín @marinlab & Prof Srivastava @ncndgroup_kcl join Medical Research Council Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research £28.5 million Human Functional Genomics Initiative to decipher how gene variation influences brain development and contributes to human disease. 🔗buff.ly/3YZfIAA #Neurodevelopment

How can assertive outreach treatment (AOT) engage populations with alcohol dependence? Join IoPPN researcher Dr Amy Wolstenholme as she presents her evaluation of a recent AOT clinical trial on a free King's Health Economics online seminar on 2 Sept eventbrite.co.uk/e/assertive-ou…

Ever wanted to learn more about mental health #research? Find out more by joining a Research Roadshow: 👉19 Sep: Gracefield Gardens 👉20 Sep: #Red4Research day, Maudsley Hospital 👉24 Oct: Marina House See Events: ow.ly/IIhl50T392E Healthwatch Lambeth Hear Us Croydon NIHR ARC South London

Congratulations to Prof Prof Ellie Dommett on receiving a prestigious Advance HE National Teaching Fellowship!🎉 Her innovative work in harnessing digital tools & skills training has created a more inclusive & supportive environment for students. Read more👉kcl.ac.uk/news/kings-pro…

Research Assistant in the Department of Psychology | @tilwykes Sara Simblett kcl.ac.uk/jobs/095051-re…