Kevin Young Jr
5’11 205 junior RB/OLB/Athlete hudl.com/profile/192050… number:8703178599 gpa:2.9 coach: Reggie Swinton: number +1 (501) 413-6700 40: 4.4
ID: 1689628907090083840
10-08-2023 13:25:08
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Kevin Young Jr 👇👏👏👏 hudl.com/profile/192050…

Dead Week Putting in the Work Omarion Robinson Talan Williams ✞ Kevin Young Jr Deontae Clark Parker Nix 2026 QB ✞ Click to view the article! prepredzone.com/2024/07/dead-w…

I’m so proud of my Mustang players… they all balled out at the camp at Ark Tech tonight. #GoalIsToGetThemCollege #ImGonnaAlwaysSupportMyBoys Arkansas Tech

Had a great time at ark tech love meeting new people to compete against,let’s me know if have to work harder to be the best! Thanks coach Tye Francis and Kyle Shipp for the invite.Forrest city #5 junior RB

Had a great day at Arkansas State Football camp Marquase Lovings learned a lot , one thing us backs need to learn is pass block! Wish y’all a great season

Had a wonderful time at university of Arkansas today. Thank Coach Sam Pittman for having me come today for a visit. #gohogs

More RBs listed in article: Nathaniel Thomas Jr Charlie cotros Andrew Mack Braden_Nash Trell Bubba.Johnson Calvin Spearman JaQuae Walden Kha’lawry McClinton jazaveon Daniels 👼🏽 #2️⃣4️⃣ Gabe Holmes RODNEY JACKSON Carter Tugwell Isaiah Stephens Kevin Young Jr KeaganSatatler01 Cameron Smith Caden Crawford