Kayla (Polcari) Councell, MD, MPH
currently @uchicagosurgery | formerly @umiamimedicine @NotreDame @ndxctf
ID: 1800770117569277952
12-06-2024 06:00:53
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Reunited with UChicago Surgery bariatric team in San Diego at #ASMBS2024 Vivek Prachand Vanessa Buie MD MBA Kayla (Polcari) Councell, MD, MPH

HUGE congratulations to THREE 🤯 of our soon-to-be chief residents on an INCREDIBLE CGSO Match! 🎉🎉 Ryan Morgan headed to MD Anderson Cancer Center! Dr. Jelani Williams going to THE Ohio State Wexner Medical Center Surgery Dept.! Dr. Hunter Witmer going to the Big Apple for Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center! We are so proud! 🥺👏

Thrilled to share our recent work with many thanks to my mentor Yalini Vigneswaran - Eligible patients from socially vulnerable communities experience greater pre-op MBS attrition and are disproportionately burdened with insurance-mandated medical weight management requirements.

Learned a ton at #ASMBS2024 and grateful for the opportunity to represent UChicago Surgery & discuss complex bariatric care

Great article and video by my coresidents and our fantastic mentor!! Alyssa Varsanik Yalini Vigneswaran 👏👏👏

Wrapping up my dedicated research years and feeling incredibly grateful to UChicago Surgery Jeff Matthews MD Jen Cone and the many mentors including Yalini Vigneswaran Sarah Shubeck MD MS Pocivavsek Lab who have invested in me and supported my ideas and growth. Back to the OR tomorrow!

That's my sis!! 🤩🤩 love being your junior resident Annie Polcari 🟧

Couldn't be happier for my sis on an incredible crit care match!! Michigan is so lucky to have you Annie Polcari 🟧 !

Honored to take part in important conversations and share what motivates our work with Yalini Vigneswaran and Anthony Douglas II, MD on Deep Cuts: Exploring Equity in Surgery