Karine Pfenniger (@karinepfenniger) 's Twitter Profile
Karine Pfenniger


Investigative reporter + coordinator @FbdnStories. #StoryKillers #BrunoDomProject #RwandaClassified. Following the money is my cup of tea

ID: 1150484291597623298

calendar_today14-07-2019 19:16:44

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Forbidden Stories (@fbdnstories) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔴 How are Israeli drones killing journalists in Gaza? For the #GazaProject, 50 journalists from 13 international newsrooms coordinated by Forbidden Stories investigated the targeting of those who were covering the war. ⬇️

+972 Magazine (@972mag) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Survivor testimonies and audiovisual analysis reveal a pattern of Israeli drone strikes on Palestinian journalists in recent months — even when they are clearly identifiable as press. A new collaborative investigation with Forbidden Stories. #GazaProject 972mag.com/israel-drone-g…

Mariana (@mrnaabr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

#GazaProject Israel says it takes strict precautions to avoid casualties in its use of UAVs. But since October 7, at least 18 journalists appear to have been the victim of precision drone strikes 👇 forbiddenstories.org/death-from-abo…

Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Bureau de l'AFP frappé à Gaza : une enquête de médias internationaux pointe vers des tirs de char israélien Gravement endommagé le 2 novembre 2023 par une frappe, le bureau de l'#AFP à Gaza a probablement été touché par des tirs de char israélien, selon une enquête menée par

Bureau de l'AFP frappé à Gaza : une enquête de médias internationaux pointe vers des tirs de char israélien

Gravement endommagé le 2 novembre 2023 par une frappe, le bureau de l'#AFP à Gaza a probablement été touché par des tirs de char israélien, selon une enquête menée par
Agence France-Presse (@afpfr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

The Guardian DER SPIEGEL Le Monde Forbidden Stories Les journalistes de l'#AFP n’étaient pas présents au moment des frappes. Ils avaient évacué Gaza City le 13 octobre, quand l'armée israélienne a lancé un ordre d'évacuation à tous les civils de la ville. D’où sont partis les tirs ? Qui était visé, et dans quel but ? ➡️L'enquête

<a href="/guardian/">The Guardian</a> <a href="/derspiegel/">DER SPIEGEL</a> <a href="/lemondefr/">Le Monde</a> <a href="/FbdnStories/">Forbidden Stories</a> Les journalistes de l'#AFP n’étaient pas présents au moment des frappes. Ils avaient évacué Gaza City le 13 octobre, quand l'armée israélienne a lancé un ordre d'évacuation à tous les civils de la ville.

D’où sont partis les tirs ? Qui était visé, et dans quel but ?

Forbidden Stories (@fbdnstories) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔴 Quand la guerre des drones vire à l’hécatombe pour les journalistes palestiniens. Pour le #GazaProject, 50 journalistes de 13 médias différents coordonnés par Forbidden Stories ont enquêté ensemble sur le ciblage de ceux qui couvraient la guerre. ⬇️ forbiddenstories.org/fr/gaza-quand-…

Christo Buschek (@christo_buschek) 's Twitter Profile Photo

On 2.11.2323, the Hajji building was hit by several strikes that destroyed the offices of AFP News Agency. Based on a video showing the strikes, we identified the source of the strike to be likely an Israeli tank. Further, we identified the location where the shots likely originated. 🧵

Philip Grant (@philipgrant40) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🚨HUGE! A #French Court of Appeal has validated the arrest warrant issued against #Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, accused of complicity in #crimesagainsthumanity for the deadly chemical attacks of August 2013. No personal #immunity applies. lethbridgenewsnow.com/2024/06/26/par…

Youssr Youssef (@youssr_youssef) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Welcome to Mitzpe Yeriho, a settlement in occupied #WestBank, illegal under international law, but from which you can rent apartments for holidays with Airbnb #GazaProject

Welcome to Mitzpe Yeriho, a settlement in occupied #WestBank, illegal under international law, but from which you can rent apartments for holidays with <a href="/Airbnb/">Airbnb</a> #GazaProject
Genevieve Mansfield (@gen_mansfield) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Curious about the far-right surge in France, especially amongst young people? You should watch the documentary 'Extrême droite, la nouvelle garde' by Renée Bertini and Arthur Didier Deren. youtube.com/watch?v=MgNx55…

Pappers (@get_pappers) 's Twitter Profile Photo

La fermeture du registre a été actée et sera effective le 31 juillet 2024 ! 🙁 Heureusement on a trouvé une solution (légale) pour que vous puissiez toujours avoir accès aux données sur Pappers 🙂 On vous explique tout ça dans ce thread ! 👇

Donncha Ó Cearbhaill (@donnchac) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW 🚨: Leaked documents analysed by Forbidden Stories and media partners, with support of Amnesty Tech, reveal extensive efforts taken by Israeli authorities to shield spyware-maker NSO Group from accountability efforts in US court. securitylab.amnesty.org/latest/2024/07…

Phineas James (@phineasjfr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

NEW #Pegasus scoop Forbidden Stories: Karine Pfenniger & I wrote about Israel's maneuvering to sway lawsuit filed by WhatsApp in the United States against Israeli spyware company #NSO, including through seizing documents. With Harry Davies & Stephanie Kirchgaessner. forbiddenstories.org/actualites_pos…

Frederik Obermaier (@f_obermaier) 's Twitter Profile Photo

🔴New: Documents show how the Israeli government maneuvered behind the scenes to prevent disclosure of secrets amid WhatsApp’s lawsuit against #Pegasus-vendor NSO. ➡️DER SPIEGEL DER STANDARD, The Guardian, DIE ZEIT Radio France coordinated by Forbidden Stories. spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzp…

Phineas James (@phineasjfr) 's Twitter Profile Photo

Read our investigation in The Guardian with Harry Davies and Stephanie Kirchgaessner: Israel tried to frustrate US lawsuit over Pegasus spyware, leak suggests #Pegasus #NSO theguardian.com/news/article/2…

John Scott-Railton (@jsrailton) 's Twitter Profile Photo

BREAKING: Israeli government secretly tried to frustrate WhatsApp's US lawsuit against Pegasus spyware maker. Reportedly, Ex Trump US Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, acting as a US lawyer for Pegasus' maker NSO Group, asked if Israel would “come to the rescue” of the notorious

BREAKING:  Israeli government secretly tried to frustrate <a href="/WhatsApp/">WhatsApp</a>'s US lawsuit against Pegasus spyware maker.

Reportedly, Ex Trump US Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein, acting as a US lawyer for Pegasus' maker NSO Group,  asked if Israel would “come to the rescue” of the notorious