Karen Woo MD PhD FACS
Vascular Surgeon, Health Services Researcher, Professor of Surgery UCLA, Associate Director Vascular Low Frequency Disease Consortium
ID: 1127948776776380417
http://surgery.ucla.edu/vlfdc 13-05-2019 14:48:39
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Congratulations on the success of the Surgical Outcomes Club last week during the ACS Clinical Congress. President Shipra Arya MD Past President Benjamin Brooke and re elected Member at Large Karen Woo MD PhD FACS

We would like to congratulate Annie Ehlers, Alex Haynes , Karen Woo MD PhD FACS, and Safraz Hamid on being selected by the membership to serve on the Surgical Outcomes Club Board of Directors! 🌟The future is looking bright!

Are you saving your best original abstract to submit for presentation at the 39th Western Vascular Society Annual Meeting The Broadmoor? Program Chair Dr. Jade Hiramoto is opening the call for abstracts January 30th with deadline of April 15th. Wei Zhou Leigh Ann O'Banion

Our very own rock star david rigberg and the Dial Ups providing the entertainment at the 2024 SoCal Vascular Southern California Vascular Surgery Society annual banquet. 🤩😎

Check out our own Juan Carlos Jimenez MD, MBA Karen Woo MD PhD FACS david rigberg UCLA Vascular Surgery with a great article from our meeting! 💪🏻 We are so excited to see the lineup for this year! 👀 #staytuned

Thank you Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Vascular Surgery for a fantastic visit and being wonderful hosts!!

It's time for the annual David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA Vascular Surgery Interest Group simulation session! FutureVascSurgeons

So excited to share the appropriateness issue from Seminars in Vascular Surgery! Karen Woo MD PhD FACS Caitlin Hicks MD, MS compiled an incredible issue written by rockstar surgeons! First do no harm (and do what's right) - ScienceDirect sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

This is a heartbreaking and disheartening time for all young health professionals across India. I request solidarity from all our friends across the world! Anahita Dua MD MS MBA FACS Indrani Sen Rana Afifi MD Laura Marie Drudi, MD, MSc, FRCSC (she/her/hers) Erica Leith Mitchell MD EdM FACS DFSVS Julie Freischlag, MD WomenSurgeons bbc.com/news/articles/…

Rich history of our founders lives on at the Moore Course in Beverly Hills this week. Exciting to see the 170 residents from around the country and incredible WVS members on faculty. Juan Carlos Jimenez MD, MBA Karen Woo MD PhD FACS Vincent Benjamin Starnes UW Vascular UCLA Vascular Surgery USC Vascular Surgery

IT’S A BIG DAY! The 2024 Q2 issue of @SemVascSurg is live! Everything you ever wanted to know about #Appropriateness in one comprehensive issue brought to you by Leigh Ann O'Banion, Karen Woo MD PhD FACS, & Caitlin Hicks MD, MS. Check it out! #BetterLateThanNever #VascEd sciencedirect.com/journal/semina…

Congratulations Dr. David Rigberg on your exciting nomination to the President Elect of Western Vascular Society! UCLA Vascular Surgery Vincent Juan Carlos Jimenez MD, MBA Karen Woo MD PhD FACS

We couldn't be more proud and excited for our own Dr. David Rigberg, named president elect of the Western Vascular Society Western Vascular Society!!! 2026 is going to be an amazing meeting!!

What is the role of professional societies in the development and implementation of Appropriate Use Criteria? Get the perspectives of prior Vascular SVS chair Adam W. Beck, Christopher Smolock, and colleagues here: sciencedirect.com/science/articl… #Appropriateness #VascEd