Kady Melvin
Instructional Technology Coach @SASChina
ID: 2402180443
21-03-2014 21:32:46
194 Tweet
151 Following

🥳Kicking off #MediaMentorMonth at SASchina with an amazing crew of tech coaches! Kady Melvin, Verina DiFalco, and I launched the new "Media Mentor Prompt" cards today with a K-12 parent coffee, did role plays, and had a lot of laughs. It was great to see parents embracing the

Launching the #DayofAI with the SASchina tech coaches by giving out an AI-themed expansion pack to accompany our #MediaMentorMonth cards! Thank you Alex M Braden (he/him) Stephen 🌏 Taylor Kady Melvin Verina DiFalco Keri-Lee Beasley Tricia Friedman for collaborating on these cards! 🥰

@BloemkerAlicia nice! I know Trish Hutchinson does a board with recommendations too! #bkwhsprcge