
Quality work is part of Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute ! Laboratory monitor from Georgia, representing TB Alliance , conducted site monitoring for the ongoing NC-009 project from September 11th to 13th, 2024. Wizara ya Afya Tanzania 🇹🇿 Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Kilimanjaro Christian Medical University College

Introducing Dr. Innocent Peter BMBF Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Wizara ya Afya Tanzania 🇹🇿 Innocent H. Peter Uggh

RHISSA funded networks of excellence after presentation at the Science Summit 2024 from September 10-27 in New York on 19/09/2024 with representative from RHISSA NETWORKS -NORA, DASH, ADAPT, STAIRS and TAKEOFF. NORA Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute represented by Prof Blandina Mmbaga and Dr Alex Mremi.

Kilimanjaro Clinical Research Institute under the CORK PROJECT E, has donated a portable incubator to the Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Pediatrics Department. Prof Blandina Mmbaga, the Dir of KCRI, handed it over to the Head of the Department, Dr. Aisa Shayo, in the presence of representatives from both @kcritanzania & @kcmc1971

Thank you, APHRC, we at KCRI are deeply honoured to have received the GFGP certification and are proud to partner with you under the JPIAMR Fund Management initiative. Kilimanjaro Christian Medical Centre Wizara ya Afya Tanzania 🇹🇿 #StrongerTogether #KCRI #GFGP #AntimicrobialResistance #WeAreAfrica