Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed.
@JordanDistrict @JSD_DTL Specialist • @UCET Pres Elect • @HSG_UT Fellow Network Leader & Alumna • #utedchat #uted #utpol #edtech • Tweets = mine
ID: 759862218 15-08-2012 18:06:33
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Check out this resource from Adobe For Education on teaching storytelling - a great way to develop a #EmpatheticCommunicator:… #JordanDTL #DTLutah Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed.
Don't let August pass you by without listening the first episode of Season 3! Listen to Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. & Jared Covili chat with JSD Board Member Niki George about the new Jordan District Portrait of a Graduate work:… #JordanDTL #DTLutah
Fall convening with Teacher Fellows and it’s been so exciting to see so many teacher leaders in the room. Excited to see where the UTOY + Teacher Fellows collaboration goes! #uted #teacherfellows #teacherleadership #onceafellowalwaysafellow
This morning we are starting a personalized learning cohort for admin in our district. I'm excited to dive deeper with them! Check out this article that we started the class with:… Jared Covili Dani Kauerz Sloan, Ed.D Utah Education Network #JordanDTL #DTLutah #uted
This month, we are spotlighting Fellows advice for themselves as new teachers. What would you tell your past self? Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. #uted #eduhive #teacherfellows #utahteacherfellows #teacherleadership #policyandempowerment #sharingteacherstories #onceafellowalwaysafellow
Tune into this month's episode of the Jordan Journey Podcast where Jared Covili and Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. dive deeper into what it means to be a #CuriousThinker in Jordan District:… #JordanDTL #DTLutah #JordanPortraitofaGraduate
Proposals are now open to submit your awesome ideas for #UCET25. Send in your session proposals here: Deadline is Oct 18! Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. #uted #UCET #edtech #teachertips #TeachingwithTechnology #AuthenticIntelligence #AIinEd #UCET2025
What is the best way to get your students to become #CuriousThinkers? Tune into this month's episode of the Jordan Journey podcast to find out:… Jared Covili Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. #JordanDTL #DTLutah #JordanPortraitofaGraduate
This month, we are spotlighting Fellows advice for themselves as new teachers. What would you tell your past self? Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. #uted #eduhive #teacherfellows #utahteacherfellows #teacherleadership #policyandempowerment #sharingteacherstories #onceafellowalwaysafellow
Last chance to listen to this month's episode of the Jordan Journey before October's drops! Tune in here:… Jared Covili Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. #JordanDTL #DTLutah #uted #JordanPortraitofaGraduate
New month, new episode of the Jordan Journey Podcast! Tune in to hear Jared Covili & Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. chat w/ Blair Jensen, welding teacher extraordinaire talk about Creative Problem Solvers. Listen here:… #JordanDTL #DTLutah #uted #teacherstories #CreativeProblemSolver
Can't wait for Edcamp UT this year! Who's going? Matthew Winters Dave Horan Jared Covili Krista Ruggles, PhD, NBCT Dani Kauerz Sloan, Ed.D Braxton Thornley ASD Innovative Learning JordanDTL TooeleEdTech Nebo Ed Tech CSD Instructional Supports Granite Educational Technology @slcedtech Kasey | Community @ SchoolAI Graham Bany Krystle Bassett Kristin van Brunt Teacher Fellows
Grateful to Gretchen Zaitzeff & CSD Instructional Supports for organizing a collaborative conversation around news, info, & media literacy today. So fun to run into friends like Dani Kauerz Sloan, Ed.D Tricia Fenton & to make new friends like The News Literacy Project. A lot of great work being done in #uted & more needed.
We started a youtube channel! Well...we had one already, but we are starting a new weekly series: Jordan Big 6 in 60 seconds. Each week, we will feature a new tool or tech tip from our DTL squad. Check out the first video with Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed. here:… #JordanDTL
Don't forget to listen to this month's episode of the Jordan Journey Podcast about Creative Problem Solver with Blair Jensen! Tune in here:… #JordanDTL #DTLutah #uted Jared Covili Kiera Beddes, M.A. T.Ed.