A/Prof Justin Skowno
Paediatric Anaesthetist and Researcher. Cardiac Anaesthesia, optical measurements, cardiovascular physiology and neurodevelopment. Tweeting as myself.
ID: 990475064855298048
http://sydney.edu.au/medicine/people/academics/profiles/justin.skowno.php 29-04-2018 06:17:12
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Superb review of a vital area by Kristen Pickles Jess Davies @scruff888 ANZCA SPANZA
Fantastic improvements in carbon footprint of paeds anaesthesia at Seattle Children’s , nudged by Liz Hansen and great run charts. #SPANZA22 SPANZA @WAGreenTheatre TRA2SH Collaboration Wake Up Safe ANZCA
SPANZA-ANZAPS 2022 kicks off with Jodi Sherman on the environment impact of surgery and anaesthesia. Vitally important issues at a critical time for our children. #spanza22 SPANZA @anzca TRA2SH Collaboration Sydney Children's Hospitals Network Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation
Our hospital network is advertising for a new Sustainability Manager - PT, Permanent. Come and join a diverse group of children's healthcare workers making a difference to the future. @SCHN Kids Research University of Sydney SPANZA Western Sydney Health Sydney Children's Hospitals Foundation iworkfor.nsw.gov.au/job/schn-susta…
Zoloo presenting his masters topic at the Mongolian Society of Anesthesiology meeting - super presentation! Thanks Katie Smith for his scholarship University of Sydney Dr Reza Kahlaee Kids Research
Great to be part of the evening and impressive to see the level of trainee research at Westmead. Looking forward to future work together. Stefan Dieleman Mark Priestley FANZCA etc Richard Halliwell Tanya
Come and learn from our experts at the SPANZA Research Day in Sydney on 23 March! Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg Fiona Taverner A/Prof Justin Skowno Paul Lee-Archer
Honored to present a late-breaking abstract on behalf of the TREX consortium at IARS360 in Seattle on May 18th. Please stop by and say hi if you’re attending! A/Prof Justin Skowno Britta Regli-von Ungern-Sternberg
Superb to be involved in this, with the excellent support of The Children’s Hospital at Westmead theatre staff . Kids Research Sydney Children's Hospitals Network University of Sydney ChiPLab - Children's Perioperative Lab SPANZA