Julie Smith
Operations Director at Case Management Cymru
ID: 1556931724449398786
09-08-2022 09:13:54
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HNY to my fellow f swabi khan committee members. What great speakers to kick 2024 off with. Kevin Diana Wallace Dr Claire Williams Cari Sowden-Taylor Jess Mead, United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum Emma Hales, Jakko Brouwers, Mel Ford, Headway - the brain injury association

All bodes well for a great #SCI training day @Morello. Got past Newport and through the tunnels with stable blood pressure. Case Management Cym

Great start to #HJBirthInjury24 conference with John de Bono KC and Ruth Powell Hugh James Medical Negligence Thanks to Evie’s mum for sharing her story. So powerful. Julie Smith Sarah jones Sarah Bailey Suzanne lush

Great to meet up with like minded pros Hugh James #SCI conference 2024. Speakers and topics so far have been #topnotch Jane Stanbridge Mohammed Balal Geoff Holt MBE DL

Delighted to hear the meeting went well SWalesABIF #AmseramNewid #TimeForChange

#BABICMCONF24 off to a gory but fascinating start. Prof Chris Uff

Thank you Julia Reynolds Amy Chater Bea and Leigh Day for a lovely evening. #Croeso #WelcometoWales The office will be delighted with my leftovers tomorrow. Case Management Cym Vicky Richards @TotusRehab Rhiannon Stokes

We’re so lucky at Case Management Cym that it’s just a hop,skip and jump to the seaside. Great place to #walkandtalk though unfortunately the sun didn’t play ball. #breezy emily hillier

Save the date for our Annual Conference 2024! Register your interest now by emailing [email protected] #ukabif United Kingdom Acquired Brain Injury Forum #braininjury #abi #southwales

What a lovely way to spend a Friday, supporting Rookwood SpUR Such a warm welcome and great to see the spinal injured community showing what’s possible Pedal Power Cardiff Tracy Prothero Case Management Cym

So pleased with how this turned out. Fresh and bright, just like the Case Management Cym team

It’s a festive start to Headway Cardiff and South East Wales Sparkling Afternoon Tea. Thank you for the invitation JCP Solicitors