Julia Schleimer, MPH
PhD candidate | social epidemiologist | violence prevention researcher | @UCDavisCVP | @uwepidemiology | @UWFIPRP | views my own
ID: 1203522690440556545
08-12-2019 03:52:43
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📢 TODAY 3:10 pm PT📢 UC Davis Violence Prevention Research Program's Dr. Rose Kagawa will present Challenges and Promising Practices in Background Check Systems for Firearm Purchases. Tune in on zoom! ucdavis.zoom.us/j/93801133105?…

My amazing colleague & co-conspirator Shani Buggs, PhD, MPH & I are hiring a mixed methods masters or doctoral level research analyst to work with us on projects to advance comprehensive and community-centered violence prevention and intervention strategies. Please help us spread the word.

UW Epidemiology is seeking a transformational leader to serve as the new chair and professor with tenure for our #epidemiology department. Please share with your networks. Learn more and apply: apply.interfolio.com/133633

Thrilled to share our paper on research methods in the health sciences firearm policy literature! I am incredibly grateful to have been a part of this outstanding team over the last few years: Julia Schleimer, MPH, Ali Rowhani-Rahbar, Matt Miller, and Sonja Swanson. journals.lww.com/epidem/abstrac…

What Nicole Kravitz-Wirtz said! We’re hiring a Research Data Analyst!👇🏾